
While they are different.. The only way to change a structure that is abhorrent to change is by being part of the team to FORCE change.. As a a player, your value is only as a high as your last success (and even then it can be watered down by the statements/rhetoric of the owners).

I don’t get the hate. He’s been a quiet and effective advocate for change. He was anonymously bailing out people in Ferguson and Baltimore, and has always advocated for Black ownership and causes. He isn’t a social Republican. He is for self help and improvement and that shows in everything he and Bey do.

Jeezus, is it now safe to say that W Bush’s mission in Iraq IS accomplished?
Because Iraq might now have more voting access and % than US now. 

Republicans later corrected the error by sending out a notice to voters telling them to “Get out of Dodge.”

His freedom of speech doesn’t negate our freedom to point out his and Trump’s hypocrisies, lies, and garbage innuendo. I, too, hate how low the discourse has become, yet I certainly have not practiced the “they go low, we go high” thing, either. But I also do not blindly tow the party line no matter what. There are

Yeah, if you are going to go on a radio show and tell people that a coming hurricane isn’t a big deal and dismiss calls to evacuate, you shouldn’t evacuate.

Ok, now it’s sad that hot takes from 1995 still apply, but I’m seriously perplexed and need answers:

Personally, I’m REALLY hoping Mar-a-lago get taken out. That would give me great satisfaction

So the above pull quote attributed to Limbaugh is wrong?

Look at that photo above and remind yourselves that Rush Limbaugh lost his hearing due to years-long addiction to OxyContin. Also remember that Rush was purchasing thousands of pills illegally, also for years. Rush Limbaugh is the living poster-boy for white America’s opioid addiction, complete with an addicted and

Uh, that happened months ago.

Irma just hit Cuba, and it makes me worried that Trump is going to say “Cuba...Cuba...didn’t Obama do something with Cuba? Hmm...whatever he did, undo it.”

What a pussy.*