Do you find UK 32G is bigger than the US? Im a 32G in UK brand Freya and it fits me perfect but Ive tried on US 32G and its too small in the cups.
Do you find UK 32G is bigger than the US? Im a 32G in UK brand Freya and it fits me perfect but Ive tried on US 32G…
I tried on a 32G bra from a US brand and it was tiny compared to a 32G I wear in Freya, is that the same with you?
I tried on a 32G bra from a US brand and it was tiny compared to a 32G I wear in Freya, is that the same with you?
Fellow 32G girl here!
Fellow 32G girl here!
New Zealanders unite!
Tipping is so weird. Being a "foreigner" living in the US, I find it hard to grasp. I got a haircut at Ulta ($12 bangs trim) so I went to pay with the cashier and he asked if I wanted to tip so I said sure as I had a couple bucks in my wallet. BUT no he added on $5 to my bill of $12, I find this stupid and rude…
That is so stupid. I wish they taught yoga at more schools.