
I like that the jumbotron graphic is a sick ass Seahawk and the thing that arrives is My First Helo build-a-kit

Question: what is actually occuring here? Is it a ‘chopper delay’ because the helicopter has to come in and do something? Is it getting photos or telemetry or something? It’s not a show... is it?

Question: did you go to Old Tony’s On The Pier? that’s the proper lounge lizard bar there

In Japanese SuperGT and bike racing, several vehicles sport Neon Genesis Evangelion paint schemed to correspond to the 01 and 02 evas

This exactly. Conservatives will see this as Strong and Good to take advantage of this opportunity, because only Wicked and Weak people have been through a foreclosure (and friends or family that have had the same happen to them are just subject to Unfortunate Circumstances, or possibly been disadvantaged by Outsiders

The toughest part of this is that it won’t be fast change. It will be very slow in fact, and the bloc of pro gun voters is likely to remain for the rest of their lives, so meaningful change will require measures that last for a lifetime.

I have no idea what will end up happening or if this stupid wall will get built, but this prototypes should stay standing and be turned into a monument about xenophobia and jingoism.

apparently starring history’s first IFBB Bikini Pro. Look at those shoulders!

oh wow, it’s just a copy-paste of CoD 4:Modern Warfare? I also laughed at the sniper mission where I’m shooting someone with a .50 BMG. The places on the body you can get hit by a .50 and live are your earlobe and fingernail. Anywhere else is going to tear a basketball sized chunk out

Yeah, not so much oil, but all the pollution created by living far away from work, all the time lost commuting, all the problems of not having commerce close to housing, etc etc etc

I liked this movie quite a bit, especially the cars (four pedals! The suspension is attached to the wheels on the outside for some reason! They do car kung fu!) The only critique I had at the time was a couple scenes in the movie where Sarandon and Goodman would start acting much better and much more dramatically than

I thought this was thoroughly debunked as a FTC/Federal thing where GM would be open to tremendous liability if they did not recall and destroy the cars. Companies crush their own product all the time to prevent it from getting onto public streets if isn’t considered kosher by the government.

Crow actor Brandon Lee died from being struck by tiny fragments of a bullet blank.

I see what you’re saying. I’ve always wondered why all cars didn’t have a minimum of onboard ecu stuff like current MPG estimate and distance to tank empty - seems like something you can glean for free from any modern car. Would take so little effort to make this available.

had a heck of a time explaning to someone once that this ‘car that runs on water’ was a trick and not, in fact, some super secret the government was actively surpressing

When environmental crunch really comes on, ‘the suburbs’ will be looked on as a great folly (though understandable given the climate and society at the time)

The Sega Mega Drive Mini

happy to see David Roth’s shtick propagate

Correct, but this is a great headline trick for clicks because most people don’t understand nutritional macros

is this the one where one of the gundams rides a gundam horse, which is piloted itself by an actual horse?