
I fantasize about booting these thugs high on their own authority, but that would almost certainly put me looking at the barrel end of a felony assault charge, and a tough court case because it would be pedestrian me vs. THE GLORIOUS BOYS IN BLUE and their prosecutor.

This is known as the ‘Nothing But Trouble’ gambit

Arby’s currently has a couple fish sandwiches actually? (socal)

do all repubs eventually get goiter-neck?

Everytime I see one of these that clip from Toy Story 2 with Mr. Potato plays in my head. “Here comes Mr Angry Eyes!”

Man. How does one get one of these ‘we’re not going to prosecute’ or ‘if you have good behavior for a while, we’ll remove this conviction from your record’ dealies? Is it just expensive lawyer? Asking for a friend that would like to have a misdemeanor erased so his car insurance isn’t jacked forever

‘If you don’t ever use your entire budget you will not be apportioned the same amount next period’ is one of humanity’s most stupid ideas.

will the penny arcade guys eventually draw their kids as the same age as their characters

While I still don’t think he’s going to be taken down by any of this, there is a way greater chance he faces consequences stemming from things learned by investigating his financial past, which is much easier to do than proving obstruction of justice, which is quite hard.

one of them is from degrassi, i’m not sure which

I know you’re speaking rhetorically, but this is how fame works generally.

Right? That closing line is a pretty good stinger.

“The video comes courtesy of the alien investigation organization To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences, where the former head of the U.S. government’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Luis Elizondo, now works.”

Seriously. ‘Problem with sensor exposed to harsh conditions’ isn’t sexy but it is way more plausible than anything else

Sure, but what I’m talking about is a rendering style that implies volume to the world, instead of a tooning style made from 2d shapes. I’m not taking anything away from western animation (well, what is left of it), just bemoaning that we have no scene to create something like in this ad, but in a larger format like a

American Exceptionalism has always been an emetic, it just took a while to finally throw up

Isle of Dogs looks weird and amazing. I didn’t think I’d be too into it, but I gave The Fantastic Mr Fox a chance and the style of writing matched the animation really well.

I’ve watched the first season of SU - it’s really good, that show has a voice that it found immediately. More characterization has occured in Steven Universe than in most other complete works. Still, we’re constrained to a stylized kind of animation there as well that has more in relation to Regular Show than

Laika is amazing! Though it’s not cel animation, and the output is pretty low.

I’ve actually seen a fair amount of this when going through my Instagram and OW funny/art accounts show up in my feed.