
Did you not read where I said I think the bumpstock ban will not come to pass?

Newt the next time you go to the zoo I hope a lemur claws out your eyeballs and shits in your empty eye socket

Substitutes get an Uzi.

Conservatives watch too many movies and tv shows where miraculously all the good guy shooters know who all the bad guy shooters are and no one ever gets confused and bullets never ricochet, pass through walls or strike anything unintended

Actually, this is an excellent opportunity for GRIFT! Earmark it out of the unlimited military budget, give a sweetheart contract to an American gun maker, get those kickbacks! Buckets of Springfield Armory guns in the break room, all you can eat! (bonus objective: carve the money out of education budget to increase

There is more lasting sentiment, and anger now. But I think the action on bump stocks will not take place (DOJ will slow walk until they feel they can drop it entirely) - *unless* there is another mass shooting that makes the news in the same capacity soon enough.

“Not me or my family(tribe). I don’t care.” conservative mantra

I just don’t know. I don’t know if the left has the kind of fight in them that the right does. And I don’t know what will happen if the left starts actually fighting.

This will (as of yet, who knows with more time) be a difficult position to maintain; gun nut voters will absolutely punish politicians who have anti-gun stance, but anti-gun voters will not do the same for pro-gun candidates (yet!). This must change if meaningful legislation can come to pass.

I’m seeing too much talk about slaying the NRA boogeyman and not enough about what is really getting these politicians to go the way they do, large (enough) and reliable blocks of VOTERS that will reliably vote on this one issue. It’s a tougher pill to swallow that we need to specifically go against other Americans

Sacrificing bump stocks (and probably some specific variant of bump stock, not to even mention the 3 or 4 other ways to bump fire a gun with some goofy retrofit or accessory) is absolutely what the NRA/GOP is going to do to shut up the current conversation and god damn it it’s going to fool a lot of people into

I find it very sad. Like, they’ve abdicated civics, in a way - they’re going off the grid and they can’t really engage with the civic discourse in a genuine way. They can still be happy and helpful but I feel like they’ve dropped off as far as being able to contribute to our framework of society (and sometimes turn

You’re absolutely right (and absolutely fabulous)

No doubt. What’s funny then, is that they believe in a government able to pull off a coverup more intricate than anything in human history, but is incompetent in all public aspects of its operation

A fun (awful) Truther paradox is that they hold these shootings as faked (no bodies, crisis actors, etc) but 9/11 as real, so they believe the shadow government decides to murder citizens only sometimes, other times to fake the murder

Are they also running inclined? I’ve noticed some people cheat by holding onto the handles or sides or otherwise bracing their body in a way as to reduce the effort they need to make to keep pace, thinking (wishing) they burnt 600 calories when they really burnt 300

Hm, I trim it back sometimes, but I don’t shave it, since hair acts as a lubricant so skin doesn’t chafe (I’m a man). So actually I feel for women that shave, it kind of sucks to not have that hair there.

“Shave under your armpits, by all means”

Yeah, unfortunately helicopter accidents are very common relatively, stories about a US helo crash claiming lives seem to happen by the month. I think it’s just a military helo thing, lots to go wrong no matter what.

I’m constantly reminded of the clip where he’s all smiles as he hugs an american flag and gives a thumbs up. Like, out of context, you could reasonably assume that was a person with a learning disability. What 70 year old man would hug a flag and give a big old thumbs up that didn’t have the mental age of a child?