
A common conservative nervous tick is claiming that their enemies are wrong and weak and ineffective, but also at the same time they are deeply entrenched and powerful and eternal. It’s all part of the mindset of never growing mentally beyond 8th grade.

Well, I don’t think it was ever supposed to be that. Rather, as use has spread, shitheads have logged on, and also, lots of these services were never programmed with the concept that people would purposefully put bad data into the system.

To someone with a certain kind of moral relativism, it could be considered Good and Right to Win (in any manner), which means you are strong, and therefor right. Like, it’s okay to scam people, because people who fall for the scam are dumb, and therefor weak, so their misfortune is their fault, etc. People in Finance

To staff up to make tv or film length versions of this would be a money sink that would probably not see a return to justify itself.

MotoGP (moto3, moto2) has this as well, and I came up with an idea about it.

... maybe the aftermarket will come up with a vinyl decal you could paste over it. Haha.

I bet it can be pried out and replaced with a normal or different badge, at least

It really is a rock and a hard place position. They have to point to the fantastic job they’re doing, and they can’t really do that, plus a lot of voters are going to want to know how Trump aligned each member is. Not enviable at all. A Democrat won a senate seat in Alabama! Stats showed Trump voters stayed home in a

Republicans hoping to get re-elected down the road can’t risk having 1/3 to 2/3 of their voting base evaporate if Trump is removed by them; assuredly, Trump would attack the GOP and call for his followers to punish the party by not voting or voting for someone else. Trump has a gun to the GOP’s head. Of course, the

Any normal swingarm sportbike is limited to roughly the low to mid 10's in the quarter due to going any faster will cause the front end to come up, no matter how much power the motor makes.

Many years ago I successfully warded off my family from being my myspace/fb/any service friend by explaining that my online life was a separate thing, and that they knew how to contact my directly anyway. Great decision.

Real typed out feedback or criticism is something I’ve always been glad to give, but it’s never expected. What my comment was about, was things like ‘likes’ - among the younger set (or the less secure in general), getting or not getting likes is taken as tacit acceptance or critique and becomes habitual. So after a

While I have not enjoyed getting older much at all, I am satisfied at not having to worry about online drama with my friends over things like which posts of theirs I’ve liked or not liked.

Well, I see what you’re saying, but also we have been running out of hard things to do in space and now only very hard, super hard, and practically impossible things remain. As the price rises exponentially and astronaut mortality rises, what can realistically be done? (sending robots is the solution, just not a sense

I find the ‘I need and value loyalty’ guy being not loyal to be hilarious.

Now playing

Hello fellow Echo fan! I also really enjoyed this game. The trailer had such great music and style I was in, and finding out it was high concept sci fi was even better. The gameplay unfortunately never really lets you feel powerful but I didn’t mind it, the voice work and story were so intriguing.

It doesn’t need or deserve to be played and, in my opinion, is a cheapening of the concept of patriotism, reducing ‘loving America’ to how many American flags can be displayed at once. Get rid of it.

dang that’s some Fight Club shit

If you’re in your 20's and wonder where this timeline goes, I am 38 and without a partner/child/career/home, eventually what happens is you stop generally talking with your parents altogether and all traditions drop off the calendar. There’s no more awkwardness because you’ve given up the pretense of needing to do

The hyperspacing through another ship is indefensible and bad writing, but the other stuff comes from the initial proposal by Lucas to make all the combat inspired by WWII vehicles and maneuvers (torpedo bombers, RAF fighters, B17s, etc.)