
I mean, yeah. I agree in principal. Especially since Shirow has hundreds of awesome weapon designs (that aren’t sort of lazy like using most of an AR-15.) Maybe this weapon is used by a less advanced/funded group. Maybe the drum is weird caseless ammo or flechettes or something. It’s definitely designed for aesthetics

I have a solution that almost everyone would like (well, I’d like to think so).

I mean... usually in hockey it’s players getting destroyed in a hit and passing out that way that’s terrifying. Passing out when standing up is probably more like low blood sugar, anxiety, etc. He could have been too hot in the gear and didn’t eat that morning.

You have fine taste in public infrastructure lighting.

When you fail to separate yourself from your ‘team’ (sports, politics, almost anything, etc.), you become entangled in the ‘wins’ and ‘losses’. You can’t objectively step away and so these people prefer to defend their decision.


I’m gutted. I always clicked his pieces on artstation. Great aesthetic.

Okay, thank you for the context, which makes United’s seemingly bizarre decision make at least some sense. To me though, it raises the question of the regulations in the first place - why make them dress up, as non-employees? Walking through first class, I see all manner of wealthy people - from prim to comepletely

Another altercation elevated to deadly levels of force thanks to Guns!

always upvote useless tuxedo mask

Even as fatigued of the 80's aesthetic as I am, the trailer is animated and edited with a fantastic amount of talent. Now, can a final product be drawn that satisfies these concepts? We shall see.

I’m sort of looking forward to everyone seeing what a tremendously poor idea it is to run government like a business. People will just have to die, I guess.

... do you mean, an F-16?

Yeah... I wish it was indicative of some real dirt, but this is just grandpa reading things on the crazy site and saying it’s real. This will continue through his entire presidency (however long that is.)

Absolutely. We would have been in for four years of republican congress trying to hang her.

Trump: When I got coffee this morning two-hundred people applauded me. They were sitting, and they stood up for me when they clapped. Stayed standing for several minutes, way longer than Obama got people to clap for him, believe me! Many more people at my coffee stop.

Personally I promote sending all flat earthers into space, without a helmet or inside a vessel, to see the earth for themselves.

I’m asking rhetorically of course, because flat earthers are hopeless, but what do they say about all the film footage (both old and new and constant) of rockets and other vehicles that film their entire accent, showing the horizon gradually becoming a curve and revealing the planet to be a sphere?

You know, it’s funny, thinking about this sociologically. Her frustration is sort of the heart of the same idea that had humans think that the Earth was the center of the universe; the idea that human existence is what defines all of existence (which is probably very comforting for some people), rather than the

No one actually wants remakes. They just think they do.