
I think taking the pedals off for an adult until they can balance is excellent advice. For a start it will eliminate some of the shin bashing mentioned in the article. Just find somewhere with a very gentle slope that you can scoot up and then coast back down with your legs up.

This a million times. An adult can learn to ride a bike in about 10 minutes if they just take the pedals off and use it like a strider bike. After a bit of that, just add the pedals back on and you’re off to the races.

We used training wheels for my first daughter and got a balance bike for my second daughter. Youngest made the transition to pedal bike much faster and with far fewer crashes than her sister. After my experience, I’d recommend a balance bike for kids (maybe they have adult versions too?), plus they can start on them

Sounds like someone’s thetans need auditing!

Any place that has their own way of using language, their own unique vocabulary, especially replacing strongly negative words with softer sounding euphemisms, is generally a place to stay away from.

I like this, I like it a lot. Whenever people ask me what I’ll do if I eventually regret my tattoo I say, “Look, I have all kinds of marks on my body that I didn’t ask for and I don’t like. I have scars, I have stretch marks, funny freckles, weird bumps, whatever. Those are all permanent too. I CHOOSE my tattoo, and I

Aren’t the vast majority of titans huge humanoids with weird proportions? (Except a few, I suppose)
I might be wrong, I did not read it in quite a while...

Plus music and movies. American pop culture in short.

More like Dick Nixon lives. This is Nixon going to China, not Chamberlain giving up the Sudetenland.

Iran is going to get a bomb regardless. It’s a question of when. Just as Pakistan got its bomb. The real hard question the hawks are unwilling to consider is once Iran has its bomb, are we better off seen as antagonizers or trading and/or diplomatic partners to them. Consider the ISIS threat and the now unavoidable

Likely doesn’t stand a chance of getting congressional approval, which only will work to convince Iran to accelerate their program and get a nuclear weapon. They’ll (arguably rightfully so) look at a rejection by a belligerent Congress as a rejection of any hope of peace.

It isn’t perfect, but neither were any of the

Yes, Obama is literally doing the equivalent of handing Czechoslovakia over to Hitler. Your comment really added some valuable information to the discourse here.

What do they think will actually persuade Iran to stop building? An agreement based upon mutually beneficial goals seems like a great place to start. When the intelligence committee finally does something worthwhile, I’ll stop taking a shot glass of salt with every single word they say.

Most of the “Cons” aren’t negative at all. They’re simply how things will continue to operate despite our best efforts to achieve them.

Oh my god, those are some of the ugliest wheels I’ve ever seen fitted to a Z-car.

And most game directors do not have full creative autonomy and are not the be-all-end-all decision makers with their hands in all the aspects of the game.

Of course it's not the film industry, that's his point: it's an analogy & an apt one at that. Stop being pedantic.

Like 90% of the console skins out there are variations of a pot leaf, skulls or half naked anime chicks. I don't know if the market really skews tasteful and simplistic.

I’m still in a bit of shock over his passing. Hope you don’t mind if I leave some thoughts here:

The fact that there are cars that are done correctly, and cars that are done poorly, illustrates that it CAN be done correctly and technology is shirking all the time. All of the wiz-bang stuff on new cars takes far less space than it did on their older counterparts.