
Also I’d argue that the Basic Rider Course should be mandatory and should be your first time on the seat of a bike, and any parking lot practice you want to do should come later. the BRC will help you get onto the right path, stop you from starting bad habits, and initiate you into motorcycle rules and laws for the

This is just a great article.

‘ Windows will just “know” your computer from then on ‘

Fair enough. Unless they picked up all or most of these used, I suppose.

It does seem sort of silly, bordering on hoarder/glutton. Like, I dunno, for every Viper you get, donate 4k so some less fortunate person can get a beater to get to work. Just seems a little gross to have so many of one car you can’t really drive them all.

Unwritten Rules via Enforcement is a USA baseball only thing, I think. The asian leagues feature all sorts of bat flips and flourishes; batters are not targets for retribution there like they are here.

Black Lagoon is what anime producers think gritty is, which is interesting in it’s own way. It’s definitely immature, but it does have its own flavor. I loved the episodes where they would have to confront that the main cast is actually speaking in English when in the presence of non-english speakers. Some good VA

Cheney, on the other hand

“we wouldn’t have a movie about dinosaurs escaping maximum security containment “ - and we shouldn’t have. Jurassic Park is a wonderful idea for a film, that is sealed end to end. There’s no reason to try to invent why they would open the park again but not remember any of the mistakes made the first time. Jurassic

I feel like it’s much more cohesive in Jurassic Park, it was the first park of it’s kind run by people who had never done this before, and in fact that was a driving theme of that movie (trying to control something without quite understanding it). Considering JP happened in the past, JW seems much more stupid for both

I do believe the youngs love this stuff. There seems to be no end of ‘youtube stars’ doing this kind of very basic act.

gonna bust out an old classic

You’re right, but more to the point - this is a live action movie made for a certain budget, in a country with actors from a certain place. Basically, you do what you can with what you have, and when you’re making a movie in Japan what you have is a certain amount of $ and access to actors that belong to your national

He doesn’t have *anyone* to answer to, not a publisher, not investors. Backers are donators, they have no leverage.

It’s as great as ever, but becoming a father is like stepping off the Field of Dreams and your pants turn into Dad Pants and you can never go back. So now it’s about dad stuff.

Have you forgotten how ‘Ok’ WCIII was, and then how forgettable WC4 and Prophecy were? How unlimited money and nothing to reign him in were his downfall?

So, I bought a PC (well, got my mom to buy a PC) way back when Wing Commander II blew my socks off when I saw it at a friend’s house. Then, WCIII comes out years later, unplayable on PCs yet invented. And every game since, Chris Roberts (and to an extent, his brother) show that clearly, with too much money and nothing

Yes, came to say this. Always baffling. When I’m sitting there and the car in front of me keeps moving a little and stopping, I keep wondering where this magic space keeps coming from, and why everyone doesn’t just move to behind the car in front of them in the first place. I get it that there will be some slack, but

How are the TCX shoes?

Sounds like you’re over in the UK. The utilitarian, pragmatic look at motorcycles over there means gearing up is the professional way to do things - here in the USA, bikes are mostly toys, and responsibility viewed as an impediment to fun. GIS ‘Daytona Bike week’ for some great pics.