
S... ex? Sexxxx? *continues sounding out word, scratches chin, looks into the middle distance*

They would be, and they just wouldn’t be world class athletes (if their sport didn’t exist, or existed as tertiary as soccer does now) - other males would rise as world class athletes, and maybe more of them, considering more men exist at normal height and weight than extreme height and weight.

I reclaim a ton of space in my room by having a twin size bed... why would I need a bigger bed?

No, I can’t play professional sports, so I understand people that watch those that do. I can play video games however, so I don’t want to watch others play those (or commentate them)

Kids love an echo chamber and to see themselves reflected in what they love, and have some money to toss around. When they get older, wisdom and self reflection sort of grind that away, and they begin to understand and appreciate quality and originality in a different way, than when they are young

Playing video games but having a camera that is on you while playing the games and showing your face on the games and then people give you money for that hurts my old 35 year old man brain and I look at my student loans and cry

Agreed, he’s very annoying

Yeah, I like this piece except for:

Well, I mean, for me, Fallout 3 lost what I most loved from Fallout 1 and 2 - the self awareness, the humor, the tactics RPG combat - and gained things I never wanted - the badly compromised combat that was neither satisfying as turn based or competent as an action game, and taking itself seriously. So while I think

But is any of it compelling? That will be the toughest question No Man’s Sky will be forced to answer.

I’ve ninja’d my way into Tiburon. I know all about their cereal bars and the downstairs pool table/arcade/BBQ area!

Best pets: your roommates pet or pets.

“This is the ONE thing people don’t get about cats” is the most buzzfeedy click line I’ve ever seen on gawker (well, gizmodo)

For related funsies, look up the Macau Grand Prix. Lower speeds, but absolutely no run off room.

Pegg drop kicks an old lady right in the face. It is the best movie.

I would imagine warplanes don’t really amortize much, since they keep changing - the tech in a modern fighter, even if the airframe is from the seventies, probably keeps changing and increasing in price. WWII fighters probably amortized more, in those quantities built, and they remained mostly unchanged throughout

STORY TIME: This bizarre, non-aware self promotion reminds me of something I saw during my time as an LM help desk guy. In one of their buildings in Florida, there was a very small room that connected two wings of a building together; over the course of a few months, they turned this little room into a tiny, weird

Which looks really dynamic and cool in animation, but when you think about it for a second it’s a nightmare to deal with it in a realistic sense.

The black and metallic colors livery is freakin’ awesome.