
Play will always evolve to maximize leverage. In hockey, play is too fast to make this effective; in soccer, it is. The team that does not exploit this will be playing at a disadvantage. The rules would have to change in order to effect a change in the behavior of play.

'So, why are you on a website devoted to talking about sports?' Actually that's perfect; yes, I am interested in talking about it - Lynch is not. Lynch is interested in playing football. The player plays; the talker talks. Again you offer nothing to convince me that this man should have to talk about his job to

Now I'm afraid you've lost me. I just can't see that imagining of how lines of questioning could go, to make it mandatory for someone to talk about what they do. I think your opinion of Lynch as an asshole is clouding your judgement. I just see a man who wants to play football and that's that.

In fact, do you not see the intractable problem being created here, by forcing players to talk? What good is lies and disinterest? What could possibly be useful out of that sort of dialogue?

Still though - Marshawn Lynch plays football. That's the thing he is doing here - I just don't see it the way you do, that these other absolutely periphery things need to be included. About the only people on earth I can think of that should have to talk to the public are elected officials.

But what if he just wants to play football, and he plays it well enough to get hired by the Seahawks? What if he doesn't want the fans? And by what measure do we judge someone to have 'insight'?

That makes sense. I guess the unwritten part of my question (that I actually wrote out then deleted to keep it concise) was that I understand that Football as the Brand does crave that kind of self promotion, and players are part of that - Big Personalities sell jerseys and enamor allegiance. I guess if I played I'd

Real question: why can't he (and really, any player) just play sports and decide to talk to reporters as much or as little as they wish? What if one has nothing to say?

There is literally a monetary threshold that, when passed, greenlights the final source material to be cut up into two or more movies. Some films are about telling stories. And some films are purely an exercise in getting paid.

Check your problem privilege.

"The robot's endless kindness and timidity are crucial for connecting with the traumatized, temperamental Tadashi." I think you meant Hiro here.

You won't BELIEVE this CRAZY PIZZA shaped ship; Russians HATE IT

The vortex neck, hilariously and nervously close to the fluting of a gun barrel is my favorite 'beer tech' non-innovation. Also like the increased air divots for Coors cans for greater chug-ability (I think it's Coors?). The re-sealable aluminum bottle is pretty ridiculous. "Gonna save this half a Bud for later."

Here's the thing that always makes me laugh: your vision turning blue is a known side effect of Viagra use, that has to do with changing the flow of blood in your body. It's... not a positive side effect.

What ad copy/creator guy decided 'Instead of a stock picture of teens drinking, I need to find a super hot set of barbie and ken models'?

Admit it - it would have made for a way more awesome story (that either you couldn't tell anyone, or would be writing from prison)

Movie was awesome and weird as hell.

Recipe for success:

Crossfit wishes it were a cult. At best, it's a frat. Much worse.

Well, I only come for the watersports/copro content. I guess neither of us can be happy.