
It looks like it may be a nod to (or even recreation of) this issue.

YES! That Anakin Vs Obiwan fight is all sound and fury signifying nothing. Particularily the bit where Anakin and Ben square up and spin their lightsabers in each other’s faces without actually hitting anything.


I think the story was a much bigger issue.

I also have to give a shout-out to Limitless — everytime I watch that show, I am pleasently surprised. I had no intention of watching it, but io9 kept saying it was fun, so I gave it a whirl and ended up enjoying it a lot!

Right? Why would Han not flip out over finding his Daughter, or being reunited. He isn’t the kind of character to not be a little concerned over these things.

I, for one, would not have enjoyed TFA as much without our man Poe. Not only was he fun and cool in his own right, he really made Finn feel welcomed in the Resistance and I think that translated into drawing us into their struggle.

Then your expectations are low, and you shall weep at how awesome it is.

Oh, I fully believe all that. I’ve long said he has the worst best job / best worst job in Hollywood. There is no movie he could have made which would be immune from criticism. There’s no pleasing all the people all the time.

Deep Space Nine had some pretty stellar battle sequences as well, but, still, TV, so limited budget. Maybe the battle at the end of Serenity? Been a while since I watched that or ROTJ (re-watching it tomorrow) so I don’t remember how they compare. Oh, and the battle against the Borg cube always felt really immense to

Disney Story has it. Amazon has it too but for a much higher price then Disney does.

Female leads who are the story instead of merely having a part in it.

I found the fact that he got all the Indiana Jones traits in the space of like five minutes a little cheesy. But it did a good job of establishing his relationship with his dad.

How he gets his hat, whip and hatred of snakes? Come on, that was awesome.

No this was fine and good the tv series where he was a little kid I found obnoxious.

No, no, no. The Indy one is good.

Clark Kent. His wholesome apple-pie childhood where he learned to be kind, thoughtful, and do the right thing did not need to become an angst ridden guilt trip over actually saving people.

As much as I liked Skyfall, the whole “Bond family history” part of the plot bugged me. Bond is an icon, and as such works better when he is more concept than character. Casino Royale was great because his trauma was part of the character’s act and presented to us as something that happens to him. In Skyfall, it is

God, I miss Command and Conquer...