
any links to simon's other tv projects?

she hasn't told him about the abortion either. even after they came out with their "secrets". as much as i love donna i don't see this working out. here's hoping we find out when it gets renewed (please)

Wire train - chamber of hellos has been my favourite till now

i come from the future, just wanted to say that apart from the friggin amazing show, it was a great experience reading these reviews, and the comments after every episode. i binge watched the show in about 2 weeks, and after every episode i would play the songs from the episodes (such great music!) on repeat and read

Vince story does get better though. won't spoil you don't worry :)

golden comment.

i'm here, from the future.
the whole matt leaving/julie bit does seem improbable in this decade, with the kind of connectivity the internet has brought, but it also, as you said, lets Matt act out for once. Till now in the show he's barely ever done something mean to another character (other than the cheerleader he

yes you're all alone. i felt mighty stupid recommending this show to others while i was watching season 2, almost felt as bad as The Newsroom