Wouldn't our first signal recieved be the Alien's Leave It To Beaver?
Wouldn't our first signal recieved be the Alien's Leave It To Beaver?
I didn't know much about the Sims having reoccuring characters either...
Slowly but surely the heavy Pro-Elf bias is being lifted from the Fantasy Genre.
Except... it isn't cheesecake... those outfits are terrible. They are walking around looking like total dorks. They are not even the remotest bit sexually attractive.
Then how can they be erotic, if you are not attracted to them?
I'm not certain restricting the ability to put anonymous functions inside variables is necessarily the best solution for this situation. It however is a solution.
Now to research how to get the entire general populous to behave and response exactly as though they have the same psychological profile as College Students!
That actually seems like a good idea...
Clearly you've never volunteered to help for places that deal largely with preteens and teenagers.
Well... in actuallity 2+2=4(+/-1)... that is 2+2 can result in anything ranging from 3 to 5. The response of 4 is given based on the assumption a rounding error hasn't occurred. Like say extraordinarily high values of either 2 being added into each other.
I've never thought of it like this... but this essentially is true. Everything you learn is based on the stuff you learn prior to that.
Sometimes, you need to have a negative. Pictures would not exist without a negative. The best sex is filled with negatives. I LOVE THE NEGATIVE RESULTS.
While it isn't sword fighting, Capoeira does have some moves that are rolling and twirling and stuff. At the same time—those are not Dark Souls style rolls.
This works as my head canon has Bowser as either FtM Trans (explaining where the Koopa Kids and Bowser Jnr came from) or that due to a cultural mistranslation Bowser thinks that the gender roles are what decides gender rather than genitals as Bowser being a reptile the turtle style Koopas would typically do things…
My head canon is that Bowser is actually biologically female. Him being a reptile (turtle specifically) would have Bowser doing the male roles found in more mammalian species. Due entirely to cultural mistranslations between the Koopas and the Humans—Bowser would be mixing up the two genders and pronouns based…
I should qualify that when I don't argue them being "erotic" it is more me just "not yucking your yum" to quote planned parenthood's way to not shoot down somebody's else's thing. Honestly, I think you guys are nuts for thinking that looks sexy—sure skin is showing—but it looks RIDICULOUSLY dorky from my perspective.…
Now when you say skimpy... you mean the ones we have screenshots of are the most conservative ones there, right?
How long until we see a mod that allows for cannibalism? As a fan of Vore, Dolcet and other erotic cannibalistic stories—that for some reason 90% of the people drawing and writting them are from Canada—I'd love to see these able to be recreated in Sims.
So you mean I cannot level up my driving skills by aggressively attacking these cars with my own vehicle? Is what you are saying here is I should not vehicularly attack these to destroy them off the road every time I see them?