Katrina Payne

This is just standard cartoonists being cartoonists.

Also... I cannot find you or your group on Facebook. Seems Facebook doesn't have me in your thought bubble.

While when I draw women in fantasy art... I tend to go and be as silly as possible when I draw the outfits. Like ironically bad outfits.

Eh... this same list of suggestions have been getting said since... holy fuck 1970s? That is like fifty years ago or some fucking shit.

I'm imagining something out of Invader Zim where an alien is poorly disguised as a deer and it eats a bird as a GlamourFail part of its disguise being hard to follow.

This does give us a few ideas of monuments we should try to set up in our own star system.

My response is a simple one:

Wouldn't our first signal recieved be the Alien's Leave It To Beaver?

I regularly refer to Crows as "Alien Amish"... that is, think of Human Amish—their modus to return to a more modest life style... Crows are just the Amish of an alien species.

I always thought that Riddick was more of a McGuffin type character in Pitch Black. Not meant to be really a person—but you know... a McGuffin of sort to help pass the plot onwards.

In full fairness, the biggest problem is that cable television service is just inferior to bringing television content compared to Internet services. Even with the addition of TiVo, various online Streaming services, Netflix and what not are clearly the direction television studies should be looking to pump out their

Nice... I didn't have this up as a list of several reasons. I was just all, "THIS SHOW IS AWESOME!" Now I have a list I can give to people! WOOHOO! =D

I didn't know much about the Sims having reoccuring characters either...

Slowly but surely the heavy Pro-Elf bias is being lifted from the Fantasy Genre.

Except... it isn't cheesecake... those outfits are terrible. They are walking around looking like total dorks. They are not even the remotest bit sexually attractive.

Then how can they be erotic, if you are not attracted to them?

To be fair... this same exploit works on websites running stuff coded in Perl 4... and Perl 5 that has "use strict;" turned off. You can also use this to access various web servers running Ruby and Python that do not scour environment data.

Uuuh... isn't BASH suppose to be given a different ENV based upon what user is currently logged in? Try putting an ENV variable into the bash commandline as a normal user. Then use `su` (if you even have permission to run `su`) to see if that ENV item is still present.

I'm not certain restricting the ability to put anonymous functions inside variables is necessarily the best solution for this situation. It however is a solution.

Now to research how to get the entire general populous to behave and response exactly as though they have the same psychological profile as College Students!