
Apparently Nicole Beharie wanted out, and I can't say that I blame her. Since season 2, TPTB at the show, have been slowly turning what was a perfect partnered duo, into one where Abby is basically a sidekick to Ichabod.

I totally blame "Masher/Mich-Asher" or whatever on Connor and Oliver remember the episodes back when they were telling Micheala to cheer up Asher…lol.
as for the actual hookup I didn't really mind it I've come to like Asher and lord knows he's be the nicest dude Michaela hooked up with so far, but ohh Bonnie is cray

Spike Lee has expressed interest in directing an ep too.

I wasn't surprised by Lucious being the baby dad. Wasn't the best ep, but I still liked it. I def wouldn't give it an A though.

Lucious is literally the Black version of JR Ewing. The character everyone loves to hate. For the Dallas TV era, JR truly was truly a horrid person. I mean I guess he loved Sue Ellen and maybe he loved his children but still JR if a real person who be sooo hated.

I've thought that maybe Wes is somehow Sam's illegitmate love child, but after finding out Sam's history with Annalise, I'm not sure.

Cicely Tyson and Viola Davis put on a lesson in masterpiece drama acting. Every scene they were in was crisp and dripping with emotion.

I asked Peter Nowak on twitter what Annalise's maiden name was and he said Harkness.