Red Hector

This. My friend was killed by a distracted Tesla driver who swerved across opposing traffic and onto a bike trail. I like the idea of EV cars, but I don’t see what makes the screen necessary. 

It’s those who feel they need to yell at their co-workers (or employees) to assert dominance that are acting like children. It’s human to react to such inappropriate behavior.

Sadly they could prove every bit of collusion and any other crime and it wouldn’t mean he goes. Without “the concurrence of two thirds of the members present” in the senate, he gets to stay president. No matter how good the dems do, I don’t see them ending up with a majority in the house and 66 in the senate. We’re

And he is there in the Falcon at the end.


I was always attracted to the Shadow run setting and put off by the rules. It seems like there should be some sort of hack for the setting in FATE or a “powered by the apocalypse” system. Those tend to let you get right down to telling stories.

I was very on-board for D&D 5e when it came out, and I still run it for a