I assumed that was already factored in kind of like how BMW presets the radar-guided cruise control to get 6 inches from the car in front then automatically engage high beams.
I assumed that was already factored in kind of like how BMW presets the radar-guided cruise control to get 6 inches from the car in front then automatically engage high beams.
Any actual statistics to back your claims because i know several families that exclusively consume raw milk and have zero issues.
That’s because many large scale dairy farmers let their animals stand in small pens in piles of their own shit, then pump them full of antibiotics to counteract the things contracted from this practice. Raw milk that comes from most dairy farms is indeed not safe to drink, and most outbreaks from raw milk have come…
If a kid drank raw milk their whole life it probably wouldn’t make them sick. I’ve been eating raw egg since I was a kid and I’m essentially immune to salmonella poisoning (I’ve eaten things with others on multiple occasions where I was the only one who didn’t get sick, including a very unfortunate office party).