Bull Stuff

One of my many nieces and nephews (in this case a nephew) loved me as a baby but used to kind of freak out if I wore a shirt with a pattern or a T-shirt with a design on it. Off it went (I’m a guy) and he’d happily settle in on my hairy chest and I’d carry on with whomever else was in the room. He’d fall asleep but

Very late, this comment from an American observer, but:

A-fuvking-men. I was camped out in Zucotti Park with the rest of the ultra liberal protestors when they swept us out and I was there the summer after for the marches that were triggered by it and someone actually just called me an MRA for thinking the editorialism on this site over reaches. Like, fuck y’all. It

I posted a comment without reading the other comments first. Kirstjen Nielsen, the current Secretary of Homeland Security, and therefore in charge of ICE, is a graduate of Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service. Persecuted Hoya attendee, an internship awaits.