
You know, I would totally watch that. A show about Padme fighting for rights in the senate (and against things like the more clones bill that we see in the Clone Wars cartoon), that shines light on the good and bad people on both sides of the conflict (separatists weren’t ALL evil sith after all), and has Padme off

I feel like a lot of the prequel bashers, myself included, owe a big time apology to Hayden Christiansen, because he absolutely rocked in this series, tonight’s episode especially. Turns out it really was Lucas’s lousy direction of actors this whole time.

They were planning on a movie, but after Solo was a failure, they changed it to a TV series.

Really disagree hard with this review.

Counterpoint - it was a great movie and better (far better) than the weirdly lauded other movie about old men who want to fly fast and far.  Lightyear is lightyears beter than Maverick.

To be fair , if you’re pissing off Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, its a good sign you’re doing something right.

At least this series corrects one major problem I had with the Prequel Trilogy.

Even if the rest of the show was terrible, it would all have been worth it for the way it made the toxic fans lose their minds for weeks over the show supposedly breaking canon by killing the Grand Inquisitor before he appears in Rebels, only to make them eat their words here.

I love the title “Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness”, so “Paddington in Peru” is a very welcomed next step. I never liked the sequel trend of just slapping a number 2 beside the title but it’s still better then the currently popular colon title.

As much as I love the MCU, we’re in the darkest timeline for

What part of ‘Spider-verse’ did you not understand?

If there’s a heartfelt scene of Robin giving Will advice on coming out, my cold little heart will be warmed (have Robin and Will even met?)

Anyone who decides to name their kid Zillion Heir should immediately be neutered. I don’t give a fuck.

This implies that there's another park within the island where you can do sex and the city style adventures which would be both brilliant and hilarious 

I can only hope S2 of Is it Cake? pays off the most important question: What did Mikey Day actually have to do in order to get SNL costar Heidi Gardner to appear on the show as a favor?

Also, Is It Cake? is just three artists per episode creating edible still life art projects, which can be enjoyed on multiple levels (at least by the judges). Which is more than you can say for The Irishman.

Isn’t the whole point of Stranger Things the repetition of tropes from 1980s adventure/sci-fi/teen movies? It’s all deliberate homage.

I don’t know about that. If you ever look at Star Wars social media, the racists and misogynists are everywhere and they drown out everything. And that blows me away since the thematic arguments of Star Wars is a rebuke of hierarchy, domination, power-- and it seems more people don’t understand how that works than

It’s interesting that, in a story talking about all the obvious racism she is encountering, your response is “Here are the not-racist reasons I don’t like her”

I think you protest too hard buddy.

Anyone commenting with a review of the performance, character, or show, positive or negative, is completely missing the point, and pushes forward the dangerous idea that treating actors as human beings deserving of respect, free from bigotry is somehow conditional. It is not. There is absolutely no excuse for the kind