
One could only hope that this would have the same look and feel as The Man From UNCLE

I’m just tired of all these heist movies stealing away so much creative energy and financing from other, more interesting movies. Think of how many more Spider-Man movies we could have had if everyone in Hollywood wasn’t so obsessed with this Oceans universe and all its pathetic knockoffs.

That first season was genuinely good; for as much as it was hyped as the “dark, gritty” take on Archie comics, it had a good sense of humor about itself, and hit just the right balance between winking self-awareness and actually telling an engaging mystery.

Robert Sheehan is right up there with Tatiana Maslany (who, finally, is getting some major exposure) on the top of my “this person should be a worldwide superstar” list. Ever since Misfits I’ve been hoping he’d break out in the U.S.

Honestly, the CGI in this could be at South Park levels and I wouldn’t care.  You’ve got my favourite Marvel character and one of the best actresses working right now.  I’m all over this.

Gimme some Perry Mason season 2, come on.

I think maybe they should have given Rian Johnson one of these ... solo films first, it would have been better than shoehorning him into the constraints of something set up for him previously by JJ Abrams.

I’m at least a moderate fan of most of Taika Waititi’s oeuvre.  Rian Johnson's too.  Quality offerings from enthusiastic creators.  I'm easy.

Ooh. This makes it sound like Johnson is still slated to return after all. I hope so. I look forward to feeling a great disturbance in the YouTube algorithm, as millions of whiny voices of fanboys will suddenly cry out in terror and will be hilariously silenced.

Pirates fans will just have to settle for Margot Robbie, which sounds like a pretty good deal, in all honesty.

Nonsense! Pirates in the 18th Century frequently wore short shorts with the words “Lucky You” printed on the backside.

The movies have relied so much on Sparrow, that they are trapped. At best, this could have been a franchise filled with colorful characters to where they wouldn’t have to rely on one guy. And to their credit, they tried (kinda?) but nobody else really took. This franchise should have been Star Wars on the Seven Seas,

Even without considering Depp’s situation, Jack Sparrow has outlived his usefulness. Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann (I had to look up their name) may not have been as popular but they were necessary counterpoint to Sparrow’s eccentricities, and they grounded the movies. Without them, Sparrow is all flash and no

lmfao huhhhhhhhhhh??? His reactions are blasse because he’s chewing some completely different scenery, no way is jack sparrow understated lol

This statement will bite me in the ass I'm sure, but I'd love to see Margot Robbie as some Anne Bonny style female pirate.

Even before the whole Heard marriage/divorce fiasco, making Johnny Depp the focus of those films was a major turn-off for me. I wanted it to be about Elizabeth and Wil, maybe with Sparrow as a supporting character. The idea of a Jack Sparrow-less Pirates franchise definitely appeals to me. Putting Margot Robbie in the

I can’t think of a show that wouldn’t be improved by adding a few lesbians. 

I will miss Legends greatly, but As long as Nancy Drew survives, I am content.

Just want to say Nancy Drew is very good.

This is great! I can’t wait for some toxic basement dweller to tell me how an immortal space wizard who can literal be reborn as any species in the galaxy can’t be a black man.