
Hi, I’m a psychologist. This means a master’s in applied clinical psychology, a doctorate in clinical psychology, and a biennially-maintained license. My specialty is behaviorism, my training and expertise is in human behavior.

Ah yes, Amber Heard is responsible for the addiction issues of a grown man 20 years older than her who had a “Wino Forever” tattoo before they even got together.

You’re a sale trainer and a coach and that makes you quailifed to talk about how SA and DV victims should act?

You’re feelings aren’t facts either. Johnny Depps expert said she thinks Heard has BPD. Amber Heard’s expert says she doesn’t and even looking at the other experts notes there is no way she has BPD. Heard’s expert said she had PTSD. 

That’s not how you milkshake duck! People have to LIKE the duck first, so that way it’s heartbreaking when we discover the duck is secretly married to Hitler.

I said the same thing yesterday and I recognize how bizarre it sounds that I clicked on the article again anyway and am also commenting, but I’m doing so because I’m hoping at least at Jez a few people get it:

It is fucking MADDENING that the case is inescapable. I have all relevant keywords muted on twitter, I hadn’t

Same!  This is my favorite show of 2022 (so far).

Wait, this isn’t how I understood the phenomena of Milkshake Ducking at all. The Duck needs to do something innocuous and cute, so that when the horrible revelations come out we’re all disappointed and shocked. I think anyone reading that awful Juice Ape tweet could have guessed that the writer was capable of some

That’s all junk science. It’s cop-drama bullshit, and literally performs worse than randomly at detecting deception or motive.

This makes me incredibly happy. Didn’t have super high expectations going in, but this was just a delightful surprise that I can’t wait for more of. 

Excellent. I loved this show.

I kind of assumed, given what I’ve heard about Delevingne’s acting, that she was going in for gay shenanigans. Mabel felt a little queer so I’ll be cautiously optimistic.

Is she paying Medium for all the articles linked in that blog? Did she pay the British government to see Depp for what he is? Did she pay Depp’s assistant to text her messages over a months-long timeline detailing his abuse towards her?

Amber Heard is an actor, not Professor Moriarty.

I do support whores.

Also Mitch let a SCOTUS seat sit open for the last year of Obama’s presidency and was on record as being willing to keep the seat open during a Hillary presidency as well, then turned around to rush to flip a seat in the waning days of the TFG presidency, so she can also fuck right off with that “we didn’t stack the

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I couldn’t stand Kaley Cuoco before, having only seen her on the insufferable Big Bang Theory and those stupid TV ads

It looks more like a hyperstylized psycho thriller version of the Manhattan show. As that show was and I’d watch Florence Pugh make eggs, this looks quite intriguing.

She was a minor royal for all of five minutes, hardly a “life of extraordinary unearned privilege” when she made her money as an actress from, you know, working in US television for more than a decade including a show where she was a starring cast member for 100+ episodes.

And this is a problem why?