
On top of that, when short woman drive they have to sit so far forward to be able to even reach the pedals that the force of the airbag coming out is likely to kill them. I saw this as a 5 foot nothing woman who has to sit as far forward as possible. 

It’s been very popular adapted to the stage in England where it did shy away from the controversial parts and it is bbc doing it with hbo so I have hope.

They wasted an amazing cast for that movie! It’s so frustrating!

I was hoping someone else would bring up the Behind the Bastards episodes!

Nope. I met him at a climate march a few weeks ago and he was very pleasant but mostly I’m just glad anyone is talking about climate change. And he seems so genuine about it.

I will watch it, I will love it and then I will never think about it again. But I have a soft spot for dumb action movies even if they have little rewatch value lol

I thought he did well with what little time he was given. He spent a lot time pointing the progressive things he has already accomplished, had a good climate message and managed to mention abortion as part of health care. I have a total soft spot for him though so I might be biased.

I have the opposite, I never cared about Frozen when it came out but now I have a three year old who adores it and it’s become really special in our house. So I’m way more excited about the second one than I would have expected. It helps that it looks really different from a lot of movie geared towards little girls.

How can you not know who he is? He’s the voice of Vampirina’s dad Boris Hauntley. What? No one else have a toddler obsessed with Vampirina?

I love both Dark and Marvelous Mrs Maisel. Babylon Berlin is another good German series on Netflix

Everyone I know actually took SATs junior year to give yourself a buffer if you wanted to take them again. When I graduated in 08, SATs and applying for colleges and everything was junior year and then senior year was just keeping things up. 

I saw it at the Drive In so my cheering and shouting and clapping (and do much crying) bothered no one but my husband and toddler lol. 

We coslept because we were just so damn tired but my husband is a very light sleeper and boy did I become one. We also used an owlet which made us feel a little better. Now I just need to get the three year old furnace out of my bed.

We ended up cosleeping for the same reason. And now I still have a three year old in my bed lol. But my daughter would only sleep in she was with us and I was just so damn tired. 

Reading about amazing people in WW2 is one of my favorite pastimes. None of them were Mussolini however lol. I’m not sure what she’s going for here. 

My mom’s anti vaxxer so I researched this pretty extensively before having my peachick and the science behind bundling is actually really interesting.

I wanted natural birth but my low birth weight kid simply wasn’t handling labor well. After they stopped me twice because of her heart rate and my temperature started to go up it was decided that a c section was safest for us both. I have no regrets. 

I had a c section. It wasn’t the plan but of course, my water breaking 4 weeks early after having just been told the Peachick was running too small was also not the plan.

Both of those have a tv series. They’re pretty delightful.

While it might not be the most accurate source, according to Wikipedia Hale Appleman actually identifies as queer.