I’m glad I’m not the only who looked at that sideways lol. Park City is the only part of Utah I like.
I’m glad I’m not the only who looked at that sideways lol. Park City is the only part of Utah I like.
I know everyone keeps laughing at it, but I kind of want one of the various Nancy Drew shows to happen, I feel like it actually could be a great fit for CW.
Having been on a slightly rocky cruise ship, I would agree with this idea
Park City is actually super liberal lol. It barely belongs in Utah.
I’m a pretty big fan of any of the Mad King Lugwig games. Particularly the newest one, Between Two Castles. It’s cooperative and competitive at the same time and you can end up with some very amusing castles in the end lol. The art is nice too.
I’m a pretty big fan of any of the Mad King Lugwig games. Particularly the newest one, Between Two Castles. It’s…
Yeah, there’s nothing quite like the voice of my two year old during a hangover headache.
It’s the national flower of the US
Female genital mutilation is not unique to Islam. And the Vatican literally dictates what women are allowed wear to enter their city.
That now needs to be a requirement for all male authors.
I feel like people like them because while they are a beautiful couple, they don’t take themselves too seriously.
All missionaries should be required to take some basic anthropology courses before they’re allowed to go anywhere. Which will hopefully lead to a lot less missionaries in the first place. Let this vestige of colonialism die already.
2 parts ginger ale to one part pomegranate juice or liquor roughly
This is my husband and I lol
More time for Star Vs the Forces of Evil I guess lol
Have you tried ginger ale? It works really well with pomegranate.
Pomegranate liqueur and ginger ale is a nice refreshing cocktail. Easy to make, easy to drink and seasonally appropriate.
They bought a chunk on land that the wall would be built on and hired a law firm who specializes in eminent domain to make it needlessly costly and annoying for the government to take that land. It was delightful.
I admittedly liked Dark and loved Babylon Berlin. But subtitled shows aren’t for everyone. They are, however, great for watching at a low volume on your tablet while your toddler naps on your lap lol.
My Air Force husband actually thinks being a Seal or any other special forces should disallow you from being in politics. So much of the training encourages that “us vs them” mindset that is so poisonous in politics.
I have a toddler so being able to trek her car seat and other various nonsense and get in settled without making a million people stand around waiting is very useful.