I'm convinced these topics are just so that there's a mecca for people to vent their millenial-oriented frustrations in a place online that is disguised as a classy news-ish blog and not the festering, passively violent cesspit it really is. Unlike places like 4chan and reddit, which wear the whole cesspit thing on…
UGH the belittling! I can't just walk into the kitchen - which, in my small peninsular vacation-spot "but you live in it year round?" home is essentially the same room as the entryway, living room, and main hallway (In other words, if I leave my room, suddenly I'm a part of whatever conversation is being had in my…
Shitty picture quality =/= Bloom.
And you'd have been good at a game that no one plays anymore and would now be a washed up pro gamer with a family. A pro gaming career is destined to crash and burn eventually. Unless you're Korean.
Except video games are much more interesting to watch, IMO. Starcraft 2's professional leagues are some of the most astounding things to watch - if you understand starcraft even a tiny bit. If you don't then it'll be 10 minutes of waiting until someone attacks.
Doing this with homeless dogs must have made the homeless people watching very jealous.
This was me for a while, it almost still is. At the very least I didn't shit up people's group assignments because I don't go to college anymore, and I have unlearned some of the shit above, but certainly not all of it. I'm no misogynist though, my best friends are all women and I am jealous of them because all the…
I dunno. It kinda just reminds me that any person on the street regardless of how they look could be a rapist just as easily as they could be a helpful stranger. I suppose that should make people feel safer, but really all it does for me is paint everyone as a rapist until proven to be a helpful stranger.
Having a kid too expensive? Gee. Who woulda thunk.
A guy once made me feel special.
Am I the only one who read the headline and just assumed they spent that much money while on a flight to a small-but expanding town in the american northwest?
This is why I'm more interested in meeting people than I am in meeting guys or girls or people who wanna fuck me. People have thoughts, opinions and passions. They aren't there solely to hit on you or be hit on. They are each of them individuals with their own strengths and shortcomings who's respective experiences as…
I take it as a compliment! Then again, i'm a man, and I'm gay.
A man is a person who tells you they are a man, disregarding whatever is actually in their pants.