Not with Effexor, but Lyrica slapped 35 lbs on my ass.
My son and his fiancée work on the DOI Frozen tour. They've been with other ice shows but they say nothing compares to the insane frenzy for this production.
That's exactly how Wikipedia is intended to be used. We're the starting point, not the end of your search for information about your topic. That's why our standard is verifiability (supported by a reference) instead of truth (first-hand knowledge or an "expert" opinion).
We've celebrated Christmas on New Year's Day for the last 19 years, due to logistics and various work schedules. It works out great because everyone gets an extra week to prepare, the post-Christmas sales are usually great, and we get to combine the New Year's Day tradition here of black-eyed peas and cornbread with…
We only do this for lightweight things, like currency, and we do it after the sinks are cold for the last time before we leave. I often will tape it securely to the wood on the underside of the vanity, above the doors.
I've taped some valuables (usually cash we'll need when we get back home) to the underside of our vanity sinks or the kitchen sink. That was before we obtained a huge gun safe with a huge lock, but I still don't know if the crooks would look underneath a bathroom sink with a flashlight.
You're correct. We're talking about amps here, not volts. Your device will only draw as much power as it needs.
You must speak with a higher degree of specificity, Alan. ;-)
I'm an RN, and I can testify that little old people think about their daily poop more than anything else in their lives. If it's 10 pm and they haven't had their daily bowel movement, they want an enema. Or two. Not only do they want the enema, they want it now.
Phil Loadholt blocked for AD at Oklahoma and in Minnesota. I'll bet Phil would like to take care of it himself.
Grief and depression are two entirely different things.
Exactly. The title of the post and the first bullet point claim that Amazon prices were 77.5% lower than iTunes, but the DealNews article actually says that Amazon prices are lower than iTunes 77.5% of the time.
Reddit user jagermo (who I also spoke with briefly while researching Reaver) has created a public spreadsheat intended to build a list of vulnerable devices so you can check to see if your router is susceptible to a Reaver crack.
The iTunes software was around many years before the iTunes Store was created. Presence or absence of DRM on a music file has nothing to do with the function of the software itself.
Before self-service became the norm in the US, the gas cap was under the license plate, not on the side of the car.
I used to do this. When I needed meds with different times, I went to a pill kit, but I'd forget to take the first daily doses. (I know - what's the matter with me?)