
..Laurel might be more interesting as a reformed villain.

Not just aliens, it was a *shared* fantasy. At some level, everybody subconsciously agreed "ok, Ollie will be with Laurel, John will be Green Arrow, Felicity and Ray will be back together, everybody be happy, go!" There is no universe in which Oliver's greatest desire is for John Diggle to be a lawless vigilante,

Its routine for experienced heroes with superstrength to punch very lightly. They hold back ALL the time.

For some reason, characters are more true to themselves when they appear as guest stars.

I laughed my ass off when Oliver ran out.

I do think it came down to seniority and familiarity. Team Flash didn't know Sara, but they did know Oliver. It would be stupid for Sara to come in and expect strangers to just hand over their lives to her. Next time might be different. I found it kind of odd that only the team figureheads were considered.

Probably a good thing. Harbinger was a doormat.

No, its more like "in another timeline, you had a baby!" I don't think there's an emotional connection to the hypothetical life. However, I do think there would be an irrational fear of some power beyond all defense messing with his *current* child. It makes more sense that Diggle isn't angry about losing Sara,

Then Jax could explain that its totally okay to alter things if they seem really bad at the time.

Part of the issue might be that Barry actually bothered to tell people. The Legends don't seem to update Flarrowverse on all their time alterations.

They're making moves to show that his powers affect his personality, making him more hyper, enthusiastic, etc.

Pretty sure it came up with the "Are you the Oliver Queen Green Arrow?" "No, I'm the John Diggle Jr one!"

During Sara's speech, I got a flashback of Rip's annoying lectures on how the Legends never fail to totally ruin the timeline.

Ever since Karen Page took over as Editor in Chief..

Everyone who's known Oliver a while in comics calls him 'Ollie'. Its not as if Oliver is still fond of the over formality that he grew up with.

A replacement dad is not your superbuddy!

Interesting. They're going for the Batman/Superman "man who doesn't trust godlike aliens" trope.

Overdrive. Needs to be a character named that.

I remember the reasoning given for why Nixon banned biological weapons: they were expensive and couldn't be precisely targeted, so wouldn't affect actual enemy soldiers much anyway, just civilians of either side. Logically, if you can drop bio-gas weapons on enemy soldiers, you'd use the easier to get hold of

O Superman?