Classically, it would be 'don't let yourself be harmed, except if necessary to save a human', according to Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics.
Classically, it would be 'don't let yourself be harmed, except if necessary to save a human', according to Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics.
Part of it is SHIELD comic history. Life Model Decoys were used for endless mischief without the benefit of Tony Stark and Infinity Stones involvement.
"All I wanted was to..kill all humans. Who's the real monster here? Not I.."
Supergirl was great! I preferred the 2nd season premiere to the entire first season except for the Flash crossover. It had everything I ever wanted from a Supergirl/man tv episode I could expect. Cute family stuff, Luthor family stuff, Man Who Fell To Earth setup, protective parental J'onn, someone finally calling…
I was a little disappointed that Lola didn't fly and the HellCharger didn't go zooming up the side of buildings. Guess we gotta wait for movie budget money.
I'm a huge fan of Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics and the way he created so many stories out of playing with their interaction, so I'm quite looking forward to this.
Its always weird that they ALL do it. They all claim to be The Devil (or Satan), and they're ALL Son of Satan's dad. Just read a Daredevil comic where Satanna (the DAUGHTER of Satan) complains about Daredevil wearing a costume of her father.
Well, technically that happens a lot in canonical Ghost Rider stories. Just because some demon guy says "Oh yeah, I'm the King of Hell" doesn't mean you can believe everything he says.
This opinion mystifies me. I love Ghost Rider's concept but the actor seems so flat, no resonance or emoting, at all. Its very disappointing.
James was always connected with the Ghost Riders because, in the comic, he's descended from one and thats where his fire powers come from. The Rider imitation is directly referencing that.
Was curious about the truth of this. Here's an online posting of the correspondence. Cleese's writing is understatedly funny, and its impossible for me to not read it in his ridiculous over-the-top manner. No wonder he was pissed!…
Now you have me wondering if Flashpoint time aberrations were what changed Kara's feelings for James. And if Flash ever fixes the timestream, suddenly she'll change her mind again..
I don't think Supergirl ever had a defining job anyway. Its cute to see her truly act like a "female version of Clark Kent" rather than just his superself.
They are clearly using him as a setup for longterm stories, no need to burnout on him yet. In addition to Legion of Super Heroes, there's also the fun of a marriageable Kryptonian/Daxamite and Kara's "I'm already a spinster by my planet's standards" and, now that Clark is a guest star, the big brother interfering…
Working with a former boyfriend can be its own story, especially when both move on.
This is the first place I've seen pro-Jimmy/Kara comments. Everyone else seemed to pretty much hate it and Jimmy's new characterization.
How can you say Maxwell Lord didn't work??
I believe he has a niece named Nastalthia too. At least in ancient comics.
Heh heh. Sounds right. Matt is described by people who love him as the best man they know, so often. But he's an unreliable friend and a terrible boyfriend, really.
I actually liked all the things you're talking about. Misty's feelings about Luke were well done, IMO. (Though her turn on him seemed partly fabricated for plot, possibly as her way of showing her loyalty to her job came before their personal relationship. She turned on her gut to serve the higher calling, but in…