
She’s probably not hot enough for him.

Now playing

Nice, but this has long been my favorite version.

It isn’t just in service of white nationalism. The one thing conservatives hate as much as “the coloreds” is poor white people. They’re only useful as tools.

The think I take away from these comments isn’t that these people regret voting for Trump because they’ve realized that they were wrong and what he was promising was horrific. They regret voting for him because they realize now that he isn’t going to keep the horrific promises that he made.

For several years recently, the wife and I would open up the garage, decorate the hell out of it and have a party. It was a huge hit with the kids, as we are just up the block from the swimming pool parking lot and thus pretty much at the beginning of a lot of people’s trip through the neighborhood. We started it for

Our big problem was that we lived out in the sticks. There was a little village close by, but it had like 12 people in it. We’d have to go all the way into the closest town, which had a few hundred. Far too much work for Mom.

This sort of paranoia goes back further. When I was a kid, I got to go trick-or-treating exactly once, and this was the late ’60s, early ’70s. Mom claimed it was because she’d heard stories of apples with razor blades in them and the like, but I’ve always secretly suspected that it was just because she couldn’t be

It is more and more amazing to me that someone who was apparently born wealthy behaves like such poor white trash.

I can’t hear anything about Ann without thinking about this.

Hearing that Amber Heard likes Ayn Rand inexplicably makes her less attractive, somehow.

“proven breeder” Damai (also a tiger)

Fried okra, done correctly, is the food of the gods.


Roy Blunt. Tool.

Sigh. I miss Stupid Human Tricks.

Ted’s going to have to work on faking emotions better before the hoo-mans will accept him as Supreme Leader — president. I mean president.

As long as the lawyers didn’t break the law. If the lawyers didn’t break the law or assist their clients in doing so, then even if the clients did do something illegal, there would still be a legitimate attorney-client relationship.

True, but it’s unclear which if any of these documents show their subjects broke the law.

I’m not a lawyer, and I don’t know how the law would work with an international firm like this, but at least in the US, you’d think that these sorts of documents fall under the category of attorney-client privilege, which means that even if they are revealed to the public, there isn’t anything law enforcement could do