
Huh. Like Trump supporters would ever be swayed by “reason” or “logic” or, you know, “facts.”

Yet another example of someone is absolutely, positively certain that she knows better than you how you should live your life.

Got right on that clarification rather than putting it off. Good for you.

What goes around comes around.

You desperately need more fiber in your diet.

An important factor to remember is that Go Set a Watchman is the first draft of, not a sequel to, To Kill a Mockingbird.

When I was in the army, we used to joke that the easiest way to spy in the restricted areas of the base was to pose as a Domino’s delivery driver, because at the time they could pretty much literally get anywhere on the base with few or no restrictions. Part of that running joke was that all of Domino’s drivers were

“We can’t get you off, dude, but we might be able to get you an appeal for ineffective assistance of counsel.”

Wrong Columbia.

Is it just me, or are there a fair number of examples of whoever is taping being the instigator of stupidity in these clips?

I'm constantly astounded how much people — even people who are in a position where they should know — don't understand the concepts of copyright and trademark.

I'm a continuity wonk, so I'm just going to throw things out there, for what it's worth. This may well be somewhat off topic.

"In the new movies, even though they were supposed to take place decades before the original trilogy, everything was sleek, clean and modern-looking."


A significant portion of the military life consists of busy work. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. If you leave a bunch of teenagers/early 20-somethings (most of the military) to their own devices, things will quickly descend into chaos, and chaos as a regular thing is bad for morale and bad for readiness. There

In the land of Missouri, where the shadows lie....

"You have contracted plague. Spend next 24 hours dying miserable, painful death."

I'm thinking something kind of like this.

Hey, that's OK. I never wanted to sleep again... ever.