"And it can, if alarmed, run up into a tree (It's an excellent climber.) and jump out to fly away. It can't fly, and so it lands in a heap on the ground, but it will attempt to fly, if stressed out. It's trying to do its part."
"And it can, if alarmed, run up into a tree (It's an excellent climber.) and jump out to fly away. It can't fly, and so it lands in a heap on the ground, but it will attempt to fly, if stressed out. It's trying to do its part."
Sapphire and Steel was more of a failed cliffhanger ending than a "villain wins" ending — there was supposed to be another series, but there wasn't.
Because the sky on Mars is blue. It would certainly be blue if it had a breathable atmosphere.
Actually, in a work of fiction like that, the characters who show up can be as inevitable as the author feels like. If the author wants Lincoln and Lee to show up even if the Persians won at Marathon, then there's no reason not to do so. Will it be acceptable to the reader? That depends entirely on how well the author…
I'm not saying that Moore isn't right, but considering that his best known works are all adaptations and mashups — i.e., remakes — of older properties created by others, this is a bit of the pot calling the kettle black.
If the producers' emphasis is on "plausibility," then what's the point of remaking Space: 1999? If you end up changing so much about an initial property that it bares only a name in common, what really is the point?
Damn. There you got my hopes up.
Man, I knew I needed to clean out my closet before it attained sentience.
Like Kurosawa, I make mad films. OK, I don't make films, but if I did, they'd have a samurai.
Killing sexual desire? Isn't that what marriage is for?
The only thing I remember from Night of the Lepus is at one point the bunnies start to attack some old drunk and he angrily throws his drink at them. Why I remember that, I have no idea.
The Hala you say.
One thing has been bugging me about this show. (I know — only one, right?) Although apparently attached to Hauser's unit now, Rebecca is still with the SFPD, yes? She routinely identifies herself as with the SFPD, anyway.
This reads more like a guide to become an actual expert, not a fake one.
I always thought the hero of Lord of the Rings was Gollum. After all, it's Gollum who actually manages to destroy the ring. Frodo fails — Frodo fails miserably, right on the doorstep of success. If it weren't for Gollum, we'd all be speaking Black Speech now, wouldn't we?
I live to serve.
I see you're using the Alanis Morissette definition of irony.
One word — "prequel."
Eh. I've been making an atmospheric, kind of creepy horror movie, and that was fine, but I'm bored now, so I'm going to make a car chase movie. Oh, and I'm going to make Harrison Ford's character, who to this point has been entirely sympathetic and supportive, into a complete and utter asshat without any setup for…
You could probably replace What Lies Beneath with — well, anything, actually. Horrible, horrible movie. On my list of Worst Movies I've Actually Seen in a Theater.