
"Oh, hey, guys. We, like, totally intended the bullet to go all havey-wavey like that. It's, uh, it's... it's seeking the target! Yeah, that's right. It's seeking. The target. Exactly."

A science-fictional prediction — in 50 years, we're more likely to have our flying cars and jetpacks than that anyone will remember Jonathan Franzen.

"Questions of science can't be taken seriously in literature until they're framed with rich white people whining about their existence."

"You got your pomposity in my arrogance!" "No, you got your arrogance in my pomposity!"

This will prevent pregnancy by preventing sex. I mean, who needs to deal with women and all their drama when you can just blast yourself with sonic waves?

This isn't science; it's religion. Even string theory has math behind it to suggest it's a valid avenue of inquiry. This is just nonsense.

Well, sure, they could do anything they want, and that would be a legitimate story. It just wouldn't be true to the property they are ostensibly inspired by. In this version of the story, it didn't matter where Vincent came from — that wasn't an issue at all. What mattered is that he was, and who he was. Concentrating

While I can understand that an adaption of a previous work needn't be slavish to the details of its predecessor, I don't understand why so many adapters feel the need to make arbitrary changes that toss out some of the strengths of the previous work.

I enjoyed this series a great deal. I noticed the suggestion of a connection between the series' setting and Earth, but as it didn't really have any relevance to the plot, I didn't pay a lot of attention to it.

How about some of the classics, such as the Mary Celeste or the colony at Roanoke? I'm sure they've both been used in various and sundry fictions, but I don't know of any definitive versions that are fantasy or science fiction.

At least in Touch, I think the kid's abilities are just a macguffin, rather like the Machine in Person of Interest. The fact that the kid is autistic just means that he can't really communicate about why his special message has meaning, so the main characters have a mystery to solve. That's the impression I get from

Dude, like, everything is, like, spinning.

What do you mean? Porkins' death was epic!

That's entirely possible. I don't see it happening, though. As someone said online, Alcatraz isn't this season's Lost, it's this season's FlashForward. We'll see, though.

This like the third major time travel project I've read about just this week.

HAHAHA!!! That's great. No, really. What does the real new logo look like?

Wait. When did time travel become the hot new thing?

They're making a Major Matt Mason movie? Now, I loved the Major Matt Mason toys when I was a kid, but does anyone under, say, 50ish remember them at all? What's next, "Big Jim with Kung Fu Grip: The Movie?"

I didn't get to watch B5 initially because it didn't play in my area. I watched an episode once while visiting my mom and thought, "This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life." A friend of mine, though, was a big fan and talked up the show a lot, so when TNT picked up the series and reran it, I gave it a

Sure. That's basically what CSI is, after all — the same story over and over and over, with minor variations. A procedural can get away with that and be perfectly fine. A serialized show like Alcatraz seems to want to be, though, really can't.