
"I didn't say it was your honor." Great line.

Grammar Nazi trivial detail of the day: A vaccine doesn't treat or cure disease; it works to prevent a disease from afflicting someone in the first place. Once you've caught something, it's too late for a vaccine to work.

If you don't eat your "meat," you can't have any "pudding."

Allow me to clarify — A powerful, fast-acting antidepressant, that won't boil my brain.

A powerful, fast-acting antidepressant? I will take two, please.


If I ever start a band or open another comic book shop, I am definitely considering "fantastic spandex" as the name.

Mmm... cheese pizza. Especially if you cook it on one of these:

Sorry. I guess I don't consider obsessive attention to trivial minutiae presented in a deliberately annoying manner that I suppose was perhaps intended to be humorous to be "a detailed lesson in basic film theory." We will have to agree to disagree, Mr. Tudbury.

Saw that. It's basically nothing but phanboi whining and entitlement.

I could easily be wrong, but I'm just guessing that Hunger Games isn't going to be on the same level as Star Wars or Harry Potter. I'd say it will at best reach a level comparable to the X-Men movies. Although the series may be popular within its target audience, it really doesn't have the name recognition with the

The Legion Lost cover looks like one of those New Mutants/Generation X/Runaways/ancillary teenaged mutants books that I never read in the '90s.

Yes, I've never posted an image here before, so I didn't know you couldn't delete comments. My bad. Please excuse all the duplicate empties. It sort of ruins the joke.


It's important to note that this is not the result of actual astronomical observation, but rather of a computer simulation based on a mathematical model. True, this model is based on astronomical observation, but I would say the data we have on exoplanets is a bit sketchy at the moment.

When Harras became editor of the X-Men line in the late '80s, early '90s, he immediately began pandering to the artists, especially Jim Lee. Not to take anything away from Lee — his work on the X-books at the time was phenomenal — but the heart and soul of X-Men had been Chris Claremont's writing for over 15 years.

I'm not sure what Grant Morrison has to do with anything. Emma Frost sucked — and not in a good way — from the first frame she showed up in back in 1979 and she just lost ground from there. I don't remember Morrison's version being any worse, particularly, than anyone else's.