
"...entreating the editorial gods at Marvel, entreating them for a writer atrocious enough to kill the franchise...."

I think trying to come up with rational reasons to explain why the body does some things is misguided. It's entirely likely that at least some of these responses are just inadvertent byproducts of the body trying to do other things. Blushing, for example, likely doesn't have any purpose, and happens just because of

Well, let's be fair. Emma Frost is a miserable character to begin with. She was a pathetic villain when she was first introduced and her inclusion as a regular is one of the major factors that has made the X-books almost unreadable. So, cut the filmmakers and Ms. Jones some slack — they didn't have much to work with

Wronger? Double-plus good!

Yeah, I noticed that, too. And I get the impression that most of them are marketed to women, too.

I cannot tell you the number of times this has happened; I meet someone for the first time who knows me just by my name, and the first thing out of his mouth is, "I thought you were black." I know of at least one instance in which I wasn't asked to interview for a job because of that. (Yes, racism is alive and well,

You guys did get the part about the brain tumor, right?

You know, back in the day, I really didn't think Gillian Anderson was that hot. What was wrong with me?

"Latest Superman plot rumors"

The big two, DC and Marvel, aren't about creating great stories to be enjoyed. They haven't been for years, decades, even. They're about perpetuating their properties.

You know that pain and guilt can't be taken away with a wave of a magic wand. They're the things we carry with us, the things that make us who we are. If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I don't want my pain taken away! I need my pain!

I like Warehouse 13 just enough to keep watching it. (Put another way, I don't dislike it quite enough to stop watching it. Yet.) Claudia in steampunk goggles puts several points in the "keep watching" column.

I disagree. The original American publishers of the book argued that American readers wouldn't accept the original ending, which is why the final chapter was eliminated, and Kubrick didn't think it was believable, which is why he ignored it. Pretty much only Burgess (and, I guess, you) liked the ending.

I got the impression that what Zuckerberg is doing isn't hunting — lots of people hunt, and most of them are poor — but rather slaughtering, which is a different thing entirely. Hunting is about the thrill of the chase as much as anything. Slaughtering is just about the mechanics of getting meat, which requires

"St. Anselm defined God as the greatest being in the universe. No greater being could be imagined. However, if God did not exist, then a greater being had to be possible to imagine - one which exists. Since it wasn't possible, by definition, to imagine a greater being than the greatest being imaginable, God had to

There was a Star Wars fan film a few years ago that featured mostly original characters. While it had all the problems one would expect from a fan film — bad acting, not particularly exceptional writing — it looked incredible. Some of the special effects looked almost as good as anything you'd see on a network TV

How about this idea? Don't make any more movies with "Terminator" in the title. There hasn't been a good Terminator movie since 1984. Really, there must be some sort of new idea out there somewhere.

To be fair to collex, I was really surprised when I saw that Davy Jones was completely CGI. I initially assumed that it was a mix of prosthetics and CGI.

I've never cared for the look of the Daleks. They still look like giant salt shakers with a toilet plunger sticking out of them. I think the design may have taken on the weight of iconography that survives over time, as happens to some works whether they are actually any good or not.