
My friend hit a hyena the other day, he was laughing all the way.

First off, Mr. Phil Derner, Jr., thanks for your hard work! Reading through these questions makes me thankful that you are good at your job ^_^. Onto my question:

California Stop?? I always said, "California Roll" have I been saying it wrong these past 12 years?! Compare with this video from China (though it's NSFW and it's fairly graphic) - gist is a 2 yr old gets ran over by a truck twice and the public just walk by like it's nothing ... sad. sad. sad. Compare with this video from China (though it's NSFW and it's fairly graphic) - gist is a 2 yr old gets ran over by a truck twice and the public just walk by like it's nothing ... sad. sad. sad.

It was in 08 a WDC and WCC title then changed to Hamilton having to win a total of 3 WDC for Macca ... I think

I just want to know what happened to the Rauh Welt porsche and why s/he was going INTO the parking lot while it seemed like everyone was trying to go out.


Skyrim? Time for youtube:

Dead bodies on a highway, here's the story:

Saw that. I guess if it doesn't run, they don't care?

Why does the Mclaren F1 make you sit in the center? Is it because they know you'll never need to wave a car by??

Good read and much appreciated but I have to say that a family doctor doesn't make 200 bucks off a 15 minute visit unless the family doctor decides to throw in a ton of injections and procedures within those 15 minutes you're visiting your family doctor. If anything, s/he makes less than 50-80 bucks (range depends on

I think you have to be more specific with #3. These Asians looked mighty Hong Kong to me. They all have the HK fabulous look. All i know is that Hong Kong children are all messed up in the head. Good thing I'm not Chinese.

if this is still available i'd love to have one. lamakachop gmail. Thanks!

You know it's gonna be a good McLaren if Mr. Bean is standing around in the garage (second to last pic)!!

@MPS: Yeah this happened to me too w/ my whole Gmail bit. Did you find out anything more?

Ah! Nice to see my neighbor in the next neighborhood on Gizmodo. Woo!