
This guy.... or any other America Formula Un former driver. The Stig has to be an all-rounder bad@ss. You pretty much have to look at anyone who is Formula Un capable.

@pj134: oh. I didn't post much in the days of yore. Oh, how i miss them (preview buttons).

@pj134: if only there were a "preview" function.

@michael: what would be crazier is if Jalop Fb'd her and said, "I hope you got your Chicken Nugz!!"

Seeing that she's 25.. here's her FACEBOOK! oh snap!

Living in the NE w/ a lot of shrubbery and trees, we get our fair share of deer. I've found that giving a little honk is more than enough to make the deer move away from the sound. The deer will tend to just run forward from whatever position it's in OR turn around and run away from the sound. Downside to this is

At least they got Universal Healthcare.

If you don't wanna FB it, here's the link to the actual vid: []

@Blitzschnell: Touche, too much going on w/ Evo trims ;). Nice pick up on the inner wing... but then what if s/he replaced their VIII wing (b/c the clearcoat started to suck balls?) _ haha.

I am sad to see the Jalopnik community so ill informed =(. If it's "Okay to be second" clearly, s/he is referring to the car behind him/her and is, therefore, showing some sympathy. If it's "Okay to be tuned" so be it.

@teknoboy66: this IS an evo ... whether it's a VIII or IX is difficult to be determined b/c he's got a JDM IX rear bumper and JDM VII (possibly real..or not) taillight which a lot of enthusiasts like. Vortex generators came on USDM IX MR's but can easily be purchased from the parts shop @ mitsu.


Well, any jalops who are gonna show up, I'll be there. I'm a 6'1" Asian... i think that may be hard to miss. It'll be nice meeting other jalopies.

I got in for 4 tickets but they said the attire is "Business Casual" and that "DRESS CODE IN EFFECT!" *Shrug* They also said, "Please do not wear hats, shorts, white clothing, or anything with a logo on it. Jeans are fine." ... I'd rock a "Save the Enzo" (if i had one) shirt, that's business attire right?

Wait, I thought today was Monday not Schadenfriday. ??