
Maybe you shouldn't have taken pictures of your penis and/or had sexy time messages with others. Every single bit you ever create can be accessed by anyone at any time.

Well, you certainly seem to have done your homework. I'm guessing 1 of the 3 below:

Yes. FCPX is "the next step" from iMovie.

FYI, I have 217,000 of these vials for sale. $5 each. Get 'em while they last.


Yeah...this one looks super duper fake, lol. Nothing like the ones in China.

That sounds like a possibility...or maybe Apple remotely wiped it and it stopped working. The guy who "found" it thought it was broken and just pitched it...THEN the cops came calling.

If this is true, and the phone was lost, and someone did buy it on craigslist, then that means at least 2 people outside of Apple have seen the phone (the "finder" and the "buyer").

I see this working flawlessly. Until a slight breeze or a kid with a BB gun shows up.

This guy better watch his fkn back!!

They were able to find additional donors to step forward and cover the "ransom money", but it did delay the project quite a bit. The original dedication was set to be on his birthday I believe, but had to be moved to the day he made his speech on the national mall due to the funding situation and "usage rights".

Not a joke PHXPhoto. The family made the memorial foundation pay for both his likeness (to be used in the giant scupture) as well as several quotes from his works and speeches that are inscribed on the walls lining the site. The whole situation is well documented via a quick google. Very sad ;(

"Come young one. I have a story to tell you..."

The MLK Family are a bunch of greedy fucks. There...I went and said it...OH SHIT!

But what if the person who set the initial time on it did so according to his watch, which was already 3 minutes slow?

New Orleans is rebuilt.

I'm also from New Orleans, and still live in New Orleans. Hurricanes ARE mostly over-hyped. Also, people in and around New Orleans ignore evacuation orders just as well as New Yorkers...both before and after Katrina.

I think the technology would be better if the films were designed with the screen intended to be a flat surface and a "window" to a world with additional depth.