
I'm not down on the technology. As the technology and recognition accuracy increases, I can easily see it becoming "indispensable" as far as dictation and robotics interaction goes; but as for interacting with computer interfaces and hand-held devices, voice commands of any sort are...and will likely forever

I wasn't dismissing anything. I fully realize social engineering is very relevant and important.

I have voice search.

I'm not saying stop the research. I'm saying maybe research planets and stars we can actually reach at this time. As technology advances and we can go farther, then we can research those objects, then as we go farther, we can research those.

I agree on all accounts, but you're missing 1 core concept. Comex is almost solely responsible for bringing the capabilities to the masses with little to no personal technical knowledge of their own. Not only will he assist Apple in plugging current and future holes, making your list's work more difficult, but the

Guess this means Apple actually does care about losing App money after all! The jailbreak community is small, but every dollar lost is still a dollar lost. Welcome to the official community Comex! Enjoy plugging the holes you worked so hard to uncover.................then sitting idle for 8 months until your

Similarly, security architecture was not as robust as it is today. There may not have been a myriad of information available, but it wasn't needed, because there was much less emphasis on security profiles. Everything is relative.

You sir have earned yourself 1 tron-edition weeble. He may wobble, but he will never fall down. In certain circles, he can also apparently assist you in calculating the mass of objects around him.

lol, alright...I guess you win Walternate. Especially since you come from an alternate reality that has technology far superior to our side's.

I agree, but it just irritates me that he's famous for basically doing the same exact things tens of thousands of other people could (and do) easily do. He does have talent....he does not have "exceptional" talent.

I agree jamiej831. I just don't like that these astronomers or astrophysicists or "space scientists"...whatever they choose to call themselves...assume they know everything about the universe just by relating things they observe to things they know. That is a large part of the study of science (obviously), but if

You're not convincing me...

Somebody fell right in to that one...

I'm sorry but Kevin Mitnick is highly overrated. He was one of the best of his time, but times have changed. Although he is still in the whitehat business and does still perform valuable work for security and private firms, he ultimately can't hold a candle to the most skilled security experts of today's world. I'm


I don't understand how they figure out what a planet is "made out of" and/or how dense it is. The best it can possibly be is a best guess based on the information they have.

Mr. Gates is responsible for 0% of the PC market. He makes software......and zunes.

Let's be honest(er), if Woz was in control of Apple, it would have died loooooong ago......Oh wait....nah, it wouldn't have would be called Radio Shack!!

to be fair to be fair to be fair

Woz has always been my favorite Steve. Obviously, Jobs has the business sense, but Wozniak will always be my nerd hero. <3