
I somehow doubt they would get more customers by rolling service out to "Frederick, MD" or "Worcester, MASS" than they would from "New Orleans, LA".

Welcome to gizmodo comment threads. People only read the original comment and then post a reply regardless of what other commenters have said already :/

Gross. Stuffing your pet is worse though.

Still no New Orleans, LA on the list. It's's not like we're the party capital of the US or anything. We don't need teh GGGGz

That's true pyriccash...I guess "switching tasks" isn't exactly the same as "multitasking". Good point :)

I'm sorry, but I would have to disagree. I work VERY well while multitasking, and I actually perform WORSE when I focus in on a single task for an extended period of time.

It took this idiot 2 minutes to count to 81! I'm sure a normal person could count much, much faster.

I agree that the return policies and customer service in general are likely far worse than Apple's, and I have actually read about the receipt issues you're describing. I also agree that their behavior is highly unethical.

These particular stores discussed in this series of articles don't sell fake merchandise OrokaSempai.

Apparently I have to direct my comments at all of you instead of a single commenter, because none of you seem to have read any of the previous articles related to this or have any idea what's actually happening with the situation in China. Here's the breakdown:

And again, just like in the previous articles, I say there's absolutely nothing wrong with these stores at long as they are selling legitimate products. Obviously, China doesn't think there's anything wrong with them either, as long as their legal name is not infringing on Apple's trademarks.

"vibrations" was kind of weak, all of the rest were amazing. "Ladyparts" was actually a little gross imo. Don't get me wrong, I love the bounce just as much as the next man, but the super-slow-mo bounce is a bit weird....

Now on to the important question: Will I finally be able to capture the ghostly image of one of my farts on this "magical heat paper"?

Your assumption is correct, but that doesn't make the device any less of a failure. iPhone or none!

I didn't read this article (sorry, it's WAAAY too long) but CBS news had a military close to the conflict on a day after it happened and he reported that the helicopter was taken down by a 1960's anti-tank missile intended to be used to destroy tanks on the ground from far away.

No one who matters actually uses bitcoins. Sure, gizmodo may have found 1 or 2 sites here or there that accept bitcoins as payment, but all of the heavy hitters in the anonymous world currently use funds tied to actual gold reserves.

fail for no iphone plug :(

Sorry guys. You're all right. I have a mac mini attached and I use that for all of my network stuff so I didn't even think about AV integrated AirPlay. My bad for leading you awry :(

The SC-25 is a little bit more affordable and does the same things as the 57 ... only operates on 7 channels though instead of 9. If you're seriously considering a receiver like this, I'd personally go with the 25 and save a bit of money.