
rofl! not exactly my first choice, but I definitely wouldn't mind staring at Sherry anytime anywhere.

Enjoy storing 1 of your 1080p movies on iCloud for $20/year.

Holy crap! I bet those guys needed a change of pants after that! Very lucky people indeed...

Too bad MTV is a complete shit-hole now. Teen Pregnant, Jersey Shore, etc etc

A television set is NOT about the apps. Most people don't want to use apps on their TV, they want to watch TV (and maybe a few want to listen to music). What does that mean? Hulu, Netflix, Spotify, web-based flash video, and other similar services.

Yeah guys it's TOTALLY Google's fault that Google TV sucks.

Backseat imo. Oh wait...that's the real name! hurrrrr

That's where I was screwed up as well. "A fine selection of roseart" then concluding that the rosearts are shittier.

so we're doing this now i guess...

yep, you're right. Still a weird article though.

ROFL, I just made almost the exact same comment before seeing this one. Doh!

So.....every single hot dog eating contestant ever has rampant uncontrollable cancer...right?

Powerpuff Girls originated in 1998. You saying you "loved them as a kid" makes me feel like a dinosaur.

Yeah, I don't quite understand this article either. Roseart's are the "fake crayons", not Crayola. I don't know...maybe it's just the way the article is written / laid out.

That was the most boring 3:40 ever! I watched the whole damn thing in hopes of seeing "his triumph stance at the end" only to realize he kept the camera at fast-motion-pace for that as well, so it was just a tiny little flash of triumph :(

She has the iPads in the wrong place.

If Apple really cared that much, they would just buy him out and/or hire him and kill all of his public projects. Translation: Apple cares, but not enough to do anything major about it.


"Florida is more commonly known for the new and interesting reasons its citizens get themselves arrested for."

In theory, there is no such thing as a "heavy user who does not have unlimited data".