They most definitely aren't trival.
They most definitely aren't trival.
By replying to his comment, you have thrust upon my eyes 2 additional lines of utterly useless text. Please be more considerate of taking up space on my screen with useless things, just like this useless giz article.
Someone needs to learn how to use shortcuts and/or place the files in a different folder to begin with.
There are a number of PCI, PCIX, USB, PCMCIA, and ExpressCard modules available that can output either a traditional hd composite, standard composite, or svideo signal. All of which your old giant tv can support.
Wow, there's a lot more people on Giz that use netflix than I thought.
Fair enough Puns-n-Roses :P
Time to upgrade hodayathink, you are behind the times sir :(
Right, the decision between streaming or BLURAY does make sense. Deciding between streaming or DVD doesn't.
Oh really? I thought they were the same. Didn't realize streaming selections were limited.
Any modern computer can hook up to any modern TV.
Why would anyone ever pick unlimited DVDs over unlimited streaming?
It's silly that this is even needed. Hey Microsoft, let me have bigger than a 250gb HD and let me save games I buy to that HD with a built-in rip.
I'm surprised no one is asking why you are copying documents from your Desktop to your Desktop....
DDOS vs CIA was not Anonymous
Same here. Stupid droppers :/
lol, nice
Sorry, I tend to go insane when I open up an article and paragraphs are all over the place with tiny little blocks where pictures should be.
I love how the giz layout is still fkn screwed ever since day 1 of the new design and the staff just doesn't even care anymore.