Laline Paull

OK, thanks all, and everyone who bought The Bees. Over and out from England.

Ah, I have heard of the Bechdel Test. While no one else is asking me anything, I will google it. But if a load of lesbian porn comes up, I might get distracted and miss a literary question.

I went quite intuitively with a lot of it - I'm not a great fan of spiders in the house, but I find them fascinating in the garden, especially at this time of year when the orb spiders have strung out new silver webs every morning, and they're so fierce and delicate at the same time. I watched them spin their webs

Hi - I've been thinking a lot about this question very recently, as I consider my POV character for my next novel. Or, my POV characters, as I think it is more likely to be. And I think the answer to your question, is that we're just not culturally exposed to women as protagonists in creative works, as we are in

I have a fantastic shed, which you can see on my website Virginia Woolf said every woman who wants to write needs ten thousand pounds a year and a room of her own - I'd like to make that 'a shed of her own', and I can't calculate the inflation since she wrote that lecture in 1929, but you get the

Hi Ria, a pleasure to be here. I realised I had to write The Bees because when I started to read about the actual creature, there were so many extraordinary entomological facts - like the annual massacre of the males, and the fact the drones DO NO WORK their whole lives, that my imagination was fired. I suddenly saw