
Great review! I enjoyed the episode but it felt a little off and I think you’re spot on that the kids were a little underutilized. Even just adding in Tina (ostensibly the most blatantly compassionate Belcher kid) to Linda’s crusade to help Teddy more might’ve livened it up a little bit it was still a great episode

My favorite joke from this last episode—which had some killer ones—is Linda revealing the item piles and then, very quickly, “These are the ones that love me. I’m taking them.” I cackled.

“Tee ar ee, ee-ee ee.” ~ Tina

She’s kind of a new star, so it’s understandable. And, yeah, also black. GIRLS TRIP was a hit, but like most Malcolm D. Lee comedies, I’m not sure it had a ton of crossover.

She also sounded like and had Schaal’s voice/mannerisms down, too. She did more than just put on a wig.

Yes, hip hop does not travel at all nor does jazz

Colin Jost is dating Scarlett Johansson.

Had no idea who Haddish is. Seems funny though. Surprised Swift didn’t appear in any sketches. And pretty sure she wasn’t really singing the first song.

“the only truly great impression here was Heidi Gardner’s spot-on Kristen Schaal”

The number of critics who seem to mistake Swift’s self-parodying embrace of the ‘dark side’ (or the persona her detractors have happily created for her) for sheer narcissism is surprising. The LWYMMD music video makes the self-criticism even more obvious but nope, haters gonna hate/ignore the nuances.

Lorde’s Melodrama was actually kind of fantastic though.

It’s all about “Delicate” and “King of My Heart” for me right now.

The ‘New Taylor’ gimic was just that - a joke. Did you listen to the album? Because I didn’t get “scorned lover” from any of the songs on Reputation. She’s pissed off in a couple of them, but not in the “I Knew You Were Trouble,” I-hate-Joe-Jonas kind of way.

People really trying to go for this whole “Taylor Swift is a white supremicist” thing, huh.

She pulled the same stunt she did with ‘1989’: put out kitchy, repetitive singles first and save the real killers for after the album’s out. She’s smart enough not to waste an ‘I Knew You Were Trouble’ or ‘Blank Space’ as a first single because she knows that anticipation alone will drive whatever she puts out to No.

The singles are the worst tracks on the album by a healthy margin.

“I found myself surprisingly enamored with the singles from her last album after spending most of her career ignoring her.”

End Game is on my shortlist for pop single of the year. Delicate, Dress, Getaway Car and I Did Something Bad are also great.

Not gonna lie, I’m very excited to hear this album (next week when it’s on Spotify). I know people usually hate her but I like a lot of her music. Not her popular songs, they’re usually duds, it’s her under the radar ones. I love listening to them. New Romantics is still in my Top 25 Songs List.

Honestly, this album is her best party trick yet. An album that was supposed to be her big ‘fuck you’ in a lame celebrity feud is actually filled with moving self-reflection with her sense of humor remaining intact. Loved every second of it.