
He can learn quite a few things about how humans torture each other from that show.

haven’t read the review because i haven’t watched it yet- but did anyone else get a kick that the next one down is basically begging people to watch an AV club show on something called ‘fusion’?

pro tip friends- spend that TV money on making your commenting system something nearly what it used to be and maybe you wont

I think they’ll still get to it. The whole show is still about ethics in a lot of ways. It seems pretty clear that most bad place inhabitants aren’t really deserving of an eternity of torture, so I think the show is heading towards a “prison break” scenario, where Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason will make their way

I enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to where the season takes its characters... but one of my favourite parts of the first season was the ethics. Genuine, deep, funny conversations about ethics with no easy answers - I loved that! I’m not sure there’s room in Take Two/Three for those kinds of debates, but I hope they

I’m glad to have this show back.

I love that the whole system falls apart so quickly because Michael doesn’t have any of the four humans quite as figured out as he thinks he does. I mean, he can figure out that Tahani will be tormented by a small house but not that setting her on such a quick downward spiral will wreck his plans. And I continue to

CineCraft, lying on his deathbed, having not heeded your advice: “......rosebuds.”

I really hope Vicky gets more screentime. She is so funny. Her desire to be involved in Chidi’s torture was so great.

Pardon me while I test this account.

I loved his exasperation with Michael. Like, how is he supposed to know not to use the same excuse over and over?

Plus, the way she keeps obediently popping up whenever anyone says “Janet” continues to be deployed with impeccable comic timing.

Just watching the show, I start laughing out of nowhere. Not from a joke or a funny visual, but because this amazing, ridiculous show exists. Its mere concept is funny and that’s just not something you see very often.

I wondered how they would keep steam behind the whole endeavor, and pushing “Real Eleanor” and the evil support team further into the foreground with their own personal angst and contrary goals works really well.

I laughed everytime Elenor’s soulmate took said he was going to the gym and ripped his shirt off. It truly never got old.

This show removed any doubts I had left by the end of last season. At this point, I’m just gleefully sitting back and waiting to see where they go next. I thought this was the best network show of last year, and I can’t even express how happy I am that it’s back relatively early in the fall schedule.

Side note: I guess

Absolutely loved Janet explaining to Jason that he couldn’t come back to her house because she lives in a boundless void.

Michael’s most human quality is a love of minutiae. His redemption will come when he moves from FRIENDS to SEINFELD.

I forking love this show.

I’m so happy that the show is still delightfully hilarious now that we’re in on the secret. Far from becoming tiresome, the show is now running on pure, high-concept id energy. I love it so much, and I want it to somehow last for at least five years.

I’m so forking happy this show is back. Even if there was a sad lack of Jason and his budhole.