
Consider whether you have a mild yeast infection centered at your lips. If so, cortisone could make it worse. I tend to get yeast issues everywhere - gut, lady bits, under boobs, and sometimes lips. Raw garlic helps a lot. You can just slice a glove and run it over your lips, or mash it up with olive or coconut oil

I wish I could like this a million times.

When I was growing up, my mother sold “pre-need” at a cemetery. She worked a lot of hours, so in the summer, spring break, weekends, etc. she would bring my sister and I, with a picnic lunch or fast-food to the cemetery and drive us out to the oldest part, where the people who were buried were so old that they would

I went to spend the day at my partner’s office one day (which I did from time to time) and his office-mate walked in and stared at me awkwardly; he was clearly shocked I was there, to the point he couldn’t make normal-casual-nice-to-meet-you conversation. I thought it was strange, but moved on. A few weeks later, over

I think that the “exposure” stat, rather than the infection state.

Its called Tzitzit; now most men just have them attached to T-shirt/undershirts but they used to look like this: (Sorry for the double post/not being able to delete once I figured out it had already posted).

Don’t believe it because it isn’t even remotely true. It’s a very old anti-Semitic myth. There is a nice discussion below.

There is an exception to almost every prohibition in Jewish law in order to save a life.

Thanks for sharing your story and my sympathies for having been in the midst of an absolute shit buffet of options.

I was in a similar place a few years ago; I had been on HBC since I was maybe 14 with only one month break here or there when I was traveling and forgot to fill my Rx or something similar. I had terrible periods before going on HBC, and they did get better with HBC. But after awhile, on each brand/kind, I would find

This makes me feel so much better! I had a similar situation after a miscarriage and D&C. I ended up in the hospital in utter agony. I was wailing and screaming, but it was the wrong side for it to be my appendix. After tests and drugs the ER doc told me it was a ruptured cyst, but then my OB said it wasn’t when I

I tried to get a diaphragm over a year ago, and I think the doctor sized it wrong, and never actually showed me how to put it in correctly. When I tried to put it in, I was uncomfortable and I couldn’t be sure it was in the right position - checking the internet for pictures just made me more confused. I went to a

Approx $22,000.

Lots of people get narcotics for migraines... just depends on your doctor and their philosophy I suppose. My spouse had to actually fight to try Topamax and other preventative meds. In the end they didn't work for him anyway, but the dr. just didn't think it was worth writing the script at first.

While I agree with many of the people who have responded to you, I don't want to just shout you down. I think its important to remember that *women can be caught up in misogyny too!* The heart of street harassment is the idea that womens' value is primarily from their physical appeal/sexual availability to men; this