Thank you. I don't get it either.
Thank you. I don't get it either.
Congrats? So, I guess that makes it ok for you to take shots at him for being a straight cis male who (quelle horreur!) advocates for gay rights like you did in your Madonna post? I love you, Lindy, and you are literally my fav x 1000 + 1, but IDGI.
Shouldn't this be on Tumblr instead?
And . . . ? Are we supposed to shit on his picture when he was 14-15?
Okay then.
Did you get your $10,000 bounty up front, or is Jezebel sending the check in the mail?
I know there's a lot of controversy around Macklemore's music and message in "Same Love" but EVERYONE glosses over the fact that Lambert is a lesbian. I think it's important to include in the discussion, regardless of one's stance.
Also, Mary Lambert isn't straight. Not that her sexuality matters in support of gay people right?
Straight White People Give Each Other Awards for Doing Black Music About Gay Rights Better Than You Convention
I"m sorry but all I keep seeing is 'Why the fuck is Colonel Sanders at the Grammys?'
I literally felt sick @ "call out culture."
Is that what you guys call yourselves?
It's always come off as jealousy to me. After all, Dunham's young and a very successful writer and she does it her way—extra pounds and all. There's a whiff of "Why HER and not MEEE!?" that I get from it.
I didn't know that about her, someone else just mentioned the same thing (I don't follow her or her show).
This is amazing. I hope the writers go to sleep at night feeling a little better because you have their backs.
Oh good grief. You lot were wrong and she was right. Grow up.
He's right though we should know better then oppress another minority because of what we've been through. And hip hop and black community is extremely homophobic just because he's white doesn't mean he can't speak out against things like that.
When did Macklemore ever say POC people should know better because of their history? Yeah, he compares it to the civil rights movement. Is that what you mean? Well, there are memes going around on the Internet juxtaposing pictures from anti-civil rights demonstrators in the 1950s and anti-gay marriage demonstrators in…