
Liz: He can’t be Baby Yoda! The whole timeline occurs after RotJ. I can’t believe I have to say this...

that natalie maines/bush thing was bullshit and so unfair

Honestly, you can’t just say “vast majority of players.” Your point of comparison HAS to be the star/face of the team.

Agreed. I think he is sincere, and (gasp!) I like his music.

Frock The Police

Jagged Little Crucifix ... it's like 10,000 wafers, when all you need is the wine. Ironic, don't you think?

Appetite for Communion

I couldn't help but notice the irony, either. Dude doesn't want to get "tied down" with having a kid, and winds up getting something worse in the process...

Seems to me a more poetic sentence would have been 18 years. This is a truly horrible person.

All right, from a Seattleite who has been very close in the community of musicians involved with Macklemore and this song in particular, who's been listening to Macklemore since he was a total unknown and barely done with Evergreen: he grew up on Capitol Hill (where I live and he also still lives), which if you don't

Well, fair point. Baseball is really fucking boring. Some things not even drag queens can spice up!

I just figured he meant it was boring because baseball is boring.

TO BE FAIR! "The Hill" refers to Capitol Hill, Seattle's charming gayborhood, and Dykes vs Drag Queens is a real thing and that is what they call it. Except that it doesn't suck, so.

Actually I knew that. They hired a distributor because it's the only way to get lots of radio play, aside from being signed to a major label.

"The real story they're not telling". Bullshit. I learned that from an interview they did on The Colbert Report.

No. I don't think a couple of moderately successful independent musicians largely unknown outside of their niche market decided the way to make a buttload of money and fame was to write and produce a song advocating gay rights. Same Love got big because Macklemore and Ryan Lewis got big and the public at large

Mary lambert who co-wrote the song and also received a Grammy for it is a lesbian. Is she pretending too?

Also, get educated before you claim that he was doing nothing but chasing money. If you bothered to look into it, you would know that he originally released the song to support the gay marriage initiative in WA and donated all of the money the song made to that cause until it passed. Before you look down your nose at

Most of this really does sound like sarcasm.

Right? So fake! Who in the world would want two of their close family members to have equal rights? Who would write a song about their family members from a personal perspective? Clearly fake people that just want to make money! So many LAWLZ!

And everyone knows that writing about LGBT issues is how you make the