You know, on second thought, those people are so stupid & ignorant they probably think the calypso crab *is* part of the original text.
You know, on second thought, those people are so stupid & ignorant they probably think the calypso crab *is* part of the original text.
I literally just dismissed one. There’s no end to their mewling about “but what about the source material?!?1" The source material didn’t have singing crustaceans or musical numbers in it, but I don’t see these lame fucks complaining about that 🙄 They need to just admit that they’re mad that a Black woman got a great…
When you think of the Carribean, you don’t think of white people, so these racists should get a history lesson.
White people, just go out and buy a Klan outfit instead of complaining about “political correctness”. The euphemism has become completely transparent and meaningless.
Short answer: No.
I keep reading about her soul crushing hatred of him. Where is this info I need to read it!
His absence from any group activity or even MENTION OF during interviews is stunning every damn time. They HATE him. And I love it. I love that podcast so so much.
I (a person who doesn’t know much about her) had to go to her Twitter and see three days’ worth of ban-related retweets before I was able to confirm she was mocking rather than cluelessly supporting Lowe.
It’s definitely shade.
It gives me such joy that the entire cast still loathes him, even after all these years.
You poor, poor man. I certainly feel your pain. Another guy at work and I fell into that “we’ll move away once she’s done with school” trap and have been stuck in a helhole ever since. Please, for the love of all that is holy move before you have kids or at least before they start school so they don’t grow up and…
Mike Hucksterbee is a special level of evil I can’t rationalize on any plane. Usually I can figure out some screwed up thought process that drives a person to be so despicable, but even if I settle for it being a burning desperate love for money, he is so completely bad at suckering anyone outside of a nursing home…
I’m with you in spirit but for one minute can we just have something cute and not terrifying to watch or read PLEASE?!?!?! Just for one goddamn minute.
He is not a gold digger because he’s staying at home raising their kid, who has a medical condition.
That whole exploiting the child’s blood disorder comment really got me. For someone who blathers on about Christianity, none of her actions seem very “Christian” to me.
The child support should be what it should be, but Sherri continues to look like an asshole here. She is by no means the first person of either gender to end up with a child she wishes she never had with a partner she wishes she never met. The decent thing to do here would have been to make support payments from the…