super cool fun

Have fun without a shit job.

Have fun without a job assholes.

you should take some salt of of your vagina. then again with that attitude its probably caked by now.

shit.fuck all you want. just dont lock me out of my room. of course it may be more fun to jump in the fun of prime ass group play =]

race bait 101. go fucking eat rat poison.

i forget how people EVER gave birth before american clinics.. jeeeeeez

how to be a bad friend? sometimes you just have to go with the flow even when youre not in the mood. or just be a dick which seems to be the case.

Anyone who takes selfies of their botthole and steals team usa vans drunk shouldnt be expected to say anything less. what a bitch.

Cry more?

Isnt she so fucking brave. cant wait to take a big ole shit on her grave.

How about not shop lift next time? Then she can use all the tampons she wants.

its called what pays the bills you stupid fuck. bitch and moan all day over it, youll get no where.

Wait until theyre 19 and shit out of luck. Youll be singing a different tune.

all the cry hard bitches here are pathetic.

Poor her, right? She’s just as bad as him. No one made her take this job or d0 what he says. Get your head out of a womans ass and open your eyes. Shes a piece of shit too who deserves nothing.

all the women who kissed his ass for years and now want money now that he’s getting the boot? boy they are SOOOO strong. the new wave of feminism is here...

So she wants to cry once the money train runs out? she can go fucking die just like ailes. all these women who kissed his ass want more money now. how cute.

why does this place even mention teigen? she’s full on retarded who thinks people actually like her for her mind.

anything kesha is just bullshit. she fucked her way into where she is and wants to cry now. rat poison is a great mix with coffee if she wants to get it over with.

How cute. May I puke now?