La Cieca

Some of us like to hug genitalia.

Honestly? I think what’s happening here is that Hart knows very well the core of his audience is homophobic and he is concerned that if he fails to continue to pander to their hostility, he will lose them.

No, they did that because they have to remind everyone weekly of their moral superiority to the rest of the universe. It’s what libertarians live for.

No one from 1984 is running for President this year, so all your dithering is meaningless.

Do I hear chicken noises?

Last response. Do you really honestly think Hillary is opposed philosophically to Single Payer?

And the election. So much for “most disliked.”

Care to make that interesting with a little bet?

“Sanders has a better chance of achieving a single payer system than Clinton does simply by virtue of it being something he wants and would push for.”

Ah, get it. You’re a troll. That makes is easy to ignore you.

You mean such shit as a steadily improving economy, expanded health care coverage and equality of marriage regardless of sexual orientation?

None of the people you mention were running against an utterly inexperienced madman.

For the purposes of this discussion, “modern history” is limited to 2016. She is hardly more “unfavourable” than a hectoring socialist.

No one said “simply.” Nice derailing attempt.