Seeing a psychologist to recover from a divorce is relatable, helpful, and the opposite of the kind of thing I expect to hear on Howard Stern’s show.
Seeing a psychologist to recover from a divorce is relatable, helpful, and the opposite of the kind of thing I expect to hear on Howard Stern’s show.
And fuck all of Penn State. It shouldn’t exist. It should be housing our homeless vets. It should not be a functioning University.
There’s a very simple reason why McQueary didn’t go to the cops right away: sometimes when we see things that go against our pre-existing beliefs, our brains work their asses off to come up with reasoning. McQueary respected Sandusky as a football coach and seeing him rape a child was outside of what he expected. So…
...weird dude from Silicon Valley...
Yeah, they’re not beating Ohio State. Harbaugh will be gone. You don’t go 0-5 in that game and keep your job.
Thank you for this. It’s easy to forget when weasel words are used that, as Chief Queef also points out, they were children. I was assaulted at that age, and for many years I thought I brought it on myself. And then I found a picture of myself from that summer, and I realized that no, dude was a fucking sicko. Doesn’t…
She’s literally the perfect rock star. People want female rock stars to fail, and Courtney won’t let it happen.
Say what you want about Courtney Love - she’s a genuine fucking rock star, with songs that stand the test of time (did I listen to Doll Parts on repeat for 3 hours yesterday while crying at my desk because of period cramps? Perhaps)
You’d have to be on drugs to pay those prices for that tacky crap.
She’s a one-woman Generation X and I freakin’ love everything about her for it.
God, that line at the end. Crying at my desk. Thank you for writing and publishing this.
“Toe crotch” is the best thing I’ve read today.
It absolutely looks like she is clenching her toes. Like high heels aren’t bad enough?? Fuck that shit.
Be Bitch.
I’m not wasting time with any trenchant analysis. She’s a dummy who married a bigger dummy with money. Her ignorance mixed with casual cruelty isn’t a bug it’s a feature.
My observations:
Randy Rainbow put out a hilarious parody, pointing out Melania’s crappy grammar and other laughable things, just a few of months ago, after her Africa trip. If you aren’t familiar with his work, I really recommend it for combating depression brought on by the current political climate.
If her explanation was really the reason for her choice of outfit, the jacket could have read “I CARE, WHY DON’T YOU?”